Translation of the song Izbavi Nas [Deliver Us] artist The Prince of Egypt (OST)
Izbavi Nas [Deliver Us]
Deliver Us
Sludge...Sand...Water...Hay... Faster!
Mulj...I diži...Pijesak...I vuci...Voda...Povuci...Slama...Brže!
Sludge...And up...Sand...And drag...Water...Pull...Hay...Faster!
Tu je zvuk koji bič tjera sužnje
There's the sound of the whip chasing the slaves
Tu je krv, tu je bol, tu je znoj
There's blood, there's pain, there's sweat
Elohim bože moj, tebe treba narod tvoj
Elochim, my God, your people need you
Daj nam znak, da si ovdje
Give us a sign, that you are here
Izbavi nas
Deliver us
S mijesta tog
From that place
Izbavi nas
Deliver us
Naši bog
You are our God
Spasi nas od ovog strašnog sna
Save us from this dreadful dream
Povedi nas
Take us
Obećajnoj zemlji toj
To the promised land
Odvedi nas
Take us
U taj divni kraj
To that beautiful place
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach
Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad
Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad
Ja sad ne znam što bih, sine moj
I now don't know what to do, my son
Moram spasit život tvoj
I must save your life
To zadnji moj je dar
That is my last gift
Bože moj izbavi nas
My God, deliver us
U slobodu
Take us out
Izvedi nas
Into the freedom
Na svoj put
On your path
To je teška bol
That is a great pain
Sad narod spasi svoj
Now save your people
Odvedi nas
Take us
Obećajnoj zemlji toj
To that promised land
Izvedi nas
Take us out
Iz tog carstva zlog
From that evil empire
Odvedi nas
Take us
U taj divni kraj
To that beautiful place
Plovi polako
Drift slowly
Daleko od zla
Far from evil
Vali nek ljuljaju te
May the waves cradle you
Spavaj i sanjaj
Sleep and dream
Da ljubim te ja
That I'm kissing you
Moj glas bit će sad u tvom snu
My voice will now be in your dream
Rijeko o rijeko
River, o river
Ponesi ga ti
You take him
Dragocjen teret je on
He is a precious cargo
Treba mu sreća, sloboda i mir
He needs happiness, freedom and peace
Rijeko, potraži mu dom
River, find a home for him
Brate sad snivaj
Brother, go to sleep now
Svoj slatki san
Your sweet sleep
Rijeka je bila tvoj spas
River was your salvation
Rasti mi braco
Grow for me, little brother
Jer doći će dan
Because the day will come
Kada ćeš odvesti nas
When you will take us away
Izbavi nas
Deliver us
Nek' tvoj nosi spas sad i nas
May your salvation carry us on too
I odvedi nas
And take us
U taj divni kraj
To that beautiful place
Odvedi nas
take us
U taj divni kraj
To that beautiful place
Izbavi nas!
Deliver us!