Translation of the song New Andro artist Gwennyn
New Andro
New Andro
Keit ‘vo bugale o kanañ
As long as there'll be children singing
Ton an nevez-amzer
The song of the spring
keit ‘vo brezhoneg e ma bro
As long as there'll be Breton in my land
Ene Breizh a vevo
The soul of Brittany will live
Ba ma yaouankiz e kanen
In my youth I would sing
‘N ur yezh kevrinus gant ‘n evned
In a secret language with the birds
Den tro dro din na gomprene :
The people all around me didn't understand :
« Petra gan ar plac’hig-se ? »
What's that little girl singing?
Ba ma yaouankiz e komzen
In my youth I would speak
« Yezh ar vezh » -kondaonet-
the language of shame - condemned -
Den tro dro din na oa nec’het :
The people all around me were worried:
« Gwelloc’h deoc’h mont e saozneg »
You'd do better speaking English
« Ur goañvezh hir ha didermen
A winter long and endless
‘plavet allas war ar vro. »
has glided on the land, alas.
Eme an evned ‘n ur vouskan
The birds say, humming
Klujet war ‘r c’hef disec’het
Perched on a dried-out trunk
« Ur goañvezh hir ha didermen
A winter long and without end
‘kaset Breizh war an diskarr
has been sent on Brittany on the decline
Taolet ar vezh war ar Vreizhiz
Shame has been thrown the Bretons
Skubet gant avel ar c’hiz »
Swept by the wind of the way
Kalon an den a lusk ar vuhez
The human heart animates life
Taolomp an deiz e-kreiz an noz
We throw the day in the middle of the night
Piv o an hin’ a deulo pled
Who is [this] person bringing attention
Deuz ur yezh a ya da get ?
To a disappearing language?
Kalon an den a lusk ar vuhez
The human heart animates life
C’hwi po ar greun diwar ho had
You will harvest what you've sown
Ni vo ar re a deulo pled
We will be the ones that bring attention
Deuz ur yezh war an distro
To a language on its way back
Kan ar vugale o sevel
The children's song lifts
Vit reiñ an ton d’an alc’houed
To give tone to the lark
A-unvan e kanin ganto
I will sing together with them
Reiñ lañs d’an nevez-amzer
To give their momentum to the spring
Kan ar vugale o sevel
The children's song rising
Vit reiñ an ton d’ar Vretoned
To give the tone to the Bretons
A-unvan e kanin ganto
In singing together with them
Da reiñ lañs d’an new-amzer
To give their momentum to the new time