Translation of the song Misty Night Cruising artist S. Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe
Misty Night Cruising
Misty Night Cruising
The winter waves were so stormy.
夕暮れ 見送る海のテラス
I watched the sun set over the ocean terrace.
I was using phone,
そっと君は まつ毛をふせて はにかんだ
you said softly with bashful downcast eyes.
知り合ったのは 週末のカフェ
We met at a café over the weekend.
This is the second time we've met.
誘う Night Drive
Seducing Night Drive
冷えたエンジン あたたまるまで
We both swallow our sighs
2人溜息 飲み込む
until the cold engine warms up.
Don't look back Darlin'
Don't look back Darlin'
I'm not going to say,
Don't look back Darlin'
Don't look back Darlin'
that I'm attracted to you.
Come by me Darlin'
Come by me Darlin'
この腕に君の踊る髪 横たえるまでは
Until you lay your dancing hair on my arm.
すれ違う Passing The Light
We come across Passing the light
バックシートまで 闇に浮かぶ
Even the back seat floats in the dark.
The cashmere sweater,
細い体 やさしく抱いて 息づいた
hugged her slender body gently as she breathed.
It's like watching a French movie.
霧をつらぬき 走るヘッドライト
Headlights that run through the fog.
どちらが先に 投げた誘いか
To the morning
わからなくなる 朝へと
when we don't know which one of us threw the invitation first.
Don't look back Darlin'
Don't look back Darlin'
In the passenger seat window,
Don't look back Darlin'
Don't look back Darlin'
頬の熱 逃してた
You are letting the heat off your cheeks.
Come by me Darlin'
Come by me Darlin'
As you have made up your mind.
さりげなく 目を閉じているね
You're casually closing your eyes.
Night cruising.
Never Say Love You
Never Say Love You
ブレーキを踏む ひそかなチャンス
I keep looking for a secret chance to hit the brakes,
探しつづけて 過ぎるインター・チェンジ
and the interchange passes by.
君がヒールの 脚を静かに
The signal is
組み替えた時 合図さ
when you gently rearranged the heel legs.
Don't look back Darlin'
Don't look back Darlin'
I'm no match for,
Don't look back Darlin'
Don't look back Darlin'
the magic of the creeping night.
Come by me Darlin'
Come by me Darlin'
I'm not leaving until I get you in my arms.
Oh, ミスティ・ナイト・クルージン”
Oh, misty night cruising.