Translation of the song 霧のDown Town artist S. Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe


霧のDown Town

English translation

Down Town in the Fog

雨に煙った ビルの谷間は 

The valley of the building fogged by the rain

まだ 眠りはしない

hasn't slept yet.

トニーの店を 過ぎたところで 

I stopped the car immediately

すぐ 車止めた

after passing Tony's shop.

危なげな夜 すり抜ければ

If I slip through a dangerous night,

冷たい君に少し 近づけるさ

I will be able to get closer to your cold heart.

長い時間 会えずにいた

now I didn't ask

その理由を 聞かない今

why we couldn't meet each other for a long time.

僕の伏せた 視線そっと 唇掠めた

My downcast eye sight softly skimmed your lips.

慣れた仕草で 僕の煙草に

You lit my cigarette with practiced hand

火を つけては笑う

and laughed.

他の人には するはずないと

You said you wouldn't light other men's cigarette,

何故 急に言うの

why do you tell that to me?

夜のDOWN TOWN 君の投げる

Downtown at night,

恋のカーブがまるで 見えなくなる

I totally lost the sight of your curve ball of love you pitch.

冷えたワイン 渇く愛の

Cold wine

隙間から 忍び込んで

sneaked through the gap of drying love,

はにかむ眼と 頬の火照り

and it quickly hid your shy eyes

素早く 隠した

and flushed cheeks.

雨のDOWN TOWN 僕の胸に

Downtown in the rain,

広がる謎の答え 霧に変える

the rain turns the mysterious answer that spreads in my heart into fog.

君の為に たとえ僕の

I would break my heart for you,

心なら 壊せばいい

if it is for our love.

約束ねと 僕の瞳見つめる

It is a promise, you say, looking into my eyes.

(君の為に たとえ僕の

I would break my heart for you,

心なら 壊せばいい

if it is for our love.

約束ねと 僕の瞳見つめる)

It is a promise, you say, looking into my eyes.

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