Translation of the song Rubedenii artist Valeriu Sterian



English translation


Tanti Rina de la Focsani

Auntie Rina from Focșani

Are masina , casa si bani

has car, home and money,

Unchiul Virgil de la Mizil

uncle Virgil from Mizil

N-are nici ton la telefon

got no tone on the phone

Varul Scarlat de prin Calafat

Cousin Scarlat from Calafat

Are-un butic si ceva la ficat

has a boutique and some liver problem

Matusa Mia nu-i fata rea

Auntie Mia is no bad girl

Trage la saiba si la masea

working in the factory and drinking



Rudele mele imi dau fiori

My family gives me shivers

Doar cand le vad la nunti

only when I'm with them at weddings

Si la-nmormantari

and funerals

Nenea Fanel e somer la Ploiesti

Uncle Stevie is unemployed in Ploiești

Si-are convingeri muncitoresti

and has proletary ideas

Matusa Ana dinspre nevasta

Auntie Anna from the wife

Face buna si proasta

makes good and bad impression.

Unchiul Georgica se ramoleste

Uncle Georgie is turning old

Dar la doi ani se recasatoreste

but in two years, he's marrying again

Nepoata Andra e inca mica

Niece Andra is still little

Si e incredintata legal la mamica

She is legally entrusted to her mother



Bunica Aurica statea la oras

Granny Aurica was living in the town

Si-avea o pensie de urmas

And had a survivor's pension

Cealalta bunica, tot o Aurica

The other granny, an Aurica too

Ducea la tara o viata agrara

was living an agrarian life in the country side

Nasul Petrica e marinar

Godfather Pete is a sailor

Si nasa Mioara il vede cam rar

an godmother Mioara is seeing him rarely

Socrul Mitrut si soacra Jenica

Father in law Mitruț and mother in law Jenny

Sunt foarte mandri de ce face fiica

are proud of what their daughter is doing



Frate-meu Doru e profesor

My brother Doru is a teacher

N-are catedra, nici bani, nici par

got no proffessorship, no money and no hair

Iar eu ajuns in prim capitala

and I got in the capital city

Am multe rude...mare scofala

Got a big family, big deal!



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