Translation of the song Bum Bum Bum artist Kristian UFO Humaidan


Bum Bum Bum

English translation

Boom Boom Boom

Jeg kender alle dine venner

I know all your friends

Jeg har de fint med dem

There's no problem with them

Men din klorinhvide tænder

But your bleached white teeth

Passer ikke i munden på mænd

Don't belong in the mouth of a man

Næh, næh

No, no

Jeg så dig første gang i byen

I saw you for the first in town

Så pisse fuld af dig selv

So damn full of yourself

Du spurgte: Hvor ligger Fyn?

You aksed me: Where is Funnen?

Nu synes jeg' vi to si'r farvel

I think that we should say goodbye

Før det si'r bum bum bum

Before it says boom, boom, boom

Den var dum dum dum

That was not good, not good, not good

Du ryger rundt rundt rundt

You'll fly around, around, around

Hvis ikke du spare din mund

If you won't shut up

Din smarte fyr

You smart guy

Men du' slet ikke til at toppe

But no one can top you

Du har hus i Provence

You've got a house in Provance

Du var i Hong Kong og shoppe

You've been shopping in Hong Kong

Du tester virkelig' min tolerance

You're really test my tolorance

Du arbejder med reklame'

You're working with commercials

Jamen, det' da pisse fedt

Well, that's just fucking great

Du står og hitter på min dame

You're hitting on my lady

Hør, kommer du lig' me' om lidt

Why don't you come along

Kom kom kom

Come come come

Før det si'r bum bum bum

Before it says boom, boom, boom

Den var dum dum dum

That was not good, not good, not good

Du ryger rundt rundt rundt

You'll fly around, around, around

Hvis ikke du spare din mund

If you won't shut up

Din smarte fyr

You smart guy

Hvis du nu bar' købte en billet

If you'd just buy a ticket

Til den først og bedste turbojet

To the first and best turbojet

Og du fløj til den anden side af den her planet

And flew to the other side of this planet

Ja, så ville ingen skade være sket

Well, then there would be no damage done

Du scorede en af vores veninden

You pulled one of my friends

Og det' lidt synd fordi

And that's kinda sad because

Lig nu går hun og skinner

Right now she's shining

Vi andre ved at det snart er forbi

The rest of us know that it'll end soon

Ugen efter har du plattet hinde

The next week have you taken

For tyve tusind eller mer'

$3,500 or more from her

Vi kører rundt for at finde

We'll drive around to find

Din røv og du ved godt når det sker

Your ass, and you'll know when that happens

Så si'r det bum bum bum

Then it says boom, boom, boom

Den var dum dum dum

That was not good, not good, not good

Du ryger rundt rundt rundt

You'll fly around, around, around

Hvis ikke du spare din mund

If you won't shut up

Dit dumme svin

You stupid bastard

Hvis du nu bar' købte den billet

If you'd just buy that ticket

Til den først og bedste rumraket

To the first and best space ship

Og du fløj til den anden side af vort solsystem

And you'd fly to the other side of this solar system

Ja, så ville det slet ikke være noget problem

Well, then there wouldn't be a problem

Næh, næh, bum, bum, bum

No, no, boom, boom, boom

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