Translation of the song Manden På Min Skærm artist Kristian UFO Humaidan


Manden På Min Skærm

English translation

The Man On My TV

Manden på min skærm

The man on my TV

Så skarpt belæst og klog

So very literate and smart

Totalt autoritær

Totally authoritarian

Fængsler med sit sprog

Captures you with his words

Fortager håb og eksekverer

Takes hope away and carries out

Statslig frygt distribution

Governmental distribution of fear

Indtil lortet eskalerer

Until the shit escalates

I en undertrygt nation

In a suppressed nation

Men jeg la' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

But I won't believe in what they say

La' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

Do not believe in what they say

Så længe' de' drevet frem af papir

As long as they're driven by paper

Så længe' de' drevet frem af papir

As long as they're driven by paper

Og jeg la' vær' med at tro på hva' jeg si'r

And I won't believe in what I say

La' vær' med at tro på hva' jeg si'r

Do not believe in what I say

Nu hvor det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

Now that the front field has gone completely wrong

Nu hvor det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

Now that the front field has gone completely wrong

For vejen er lang

'Cause the path is long

Og skiltende få

And the signs are few

De fodrer din angst

They feed your fear

Til' du går i stå

Until you come to a halt

Kvinden på min skærm

The woman on my TV

Smiler åh så sødt

Smiles oh so nicely

Hun si'r jeg bli'r en stjern'

She says I'll be a star

Så snart at jeg har købt

As soon as I've bought

Det sidste, nyeste, største, bedste

The latest, newest, greatest, best

For det' så synd at slå sig til tåls

'Cause it would be a shame not to have the best

Jeg er permanent li' bag den næste

I'm permanently right behind the next one

Steger over forbrugets bål

Roasting over the fire of consumption

Men jeg la' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

But I won't believe in what they say

La' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

Do not believe in what they say

Så længe' de' drevet frem af papir

As long as they're driven by paper

Så længe' de' drevet frem af papir

As long as they're driven by paper

Og jeg la' vær' med at tro på hva' jeg si'r

And I won't believe in what I say

La' vær' med at tro på hva' jeg si'r

Do not believe in what I say

Nu hvor det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

Now that the front field has gone completely wrong

Nu hvor det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

Now that the front field has gone completely wrong

For vejen er lang

'Cause the path is long

Og skiltende få

And the signs are few

De fodrer din trang

They feed your yearning

Til' du bider på

Until you fall in

Til' du går i stå, stå, stå, stå, stå, stå

Until you come to a halt, halt, halt, halt, halt, halt

Til' du bider på, på, på, på, på, på

Until you fall in, fall in, fall in, fall in, fall in, fall in

Til' du går i stå, stå, stå, stå, stå, stå

Until you come to a halt, halt, halt, halt, halt, halt

Så jeg la' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

But I won't believe in what they say

La' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

Do not believe in what they say

Så længe' de' drevet frem af papir

As long as they're driven by paper

Så længe' de' drevet frem af papir

As long as they're driven by paper

Og jeg la' vær' med at tro på hva' jeg si'r

And I won't believe in what I say

La' vær' med at tro på hva' jeg si'r

Do not believe in what I say

Nu hvor det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

Now that the front field has gone completely wrong

Nu hvor det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

Now that the front field has gone completely wrong

La' vær' med at tro på hva' de si'r

Do not believe in what they say

For det forreste felt er kørt helt forkert

'Cause the front field has gone completely wrong

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