Translation of the song Aici sunt banii dumneavoastră artist Taxi
Aici sunt banii dumneavoastră
Here are your money
Toata ziua fac economie si nu-nteleg unde se tot duc banii.
I save all day and I don't understand where money goes.
Mananc paine cu iaurt, fac foamea si uite-asa incet, incet se duc anii.
I eat bread with yogurt, I'm getting hungry and look how slowly the years go by.
Noroc c-am un prieten instarit, care-a reusit sa stranga
Luckily I have a wealthy friend who managed to collect
Bani pentru un plin de benzina si
Money for a full tank of gas and
Am luat masina, am iesit din oras,
I took the car, I left town,
Pana unde? Pai pana unde-o sa ne tina.
Until where? Well, how far will it take us?
La un moment dat pe margine soselei scria:
At one point on the side of the road they wrote:
Aici sunt banii dumneavoastra si am inteles
Here are your money! and I understood
C-am scapat de toate grijile, problemele,
I got rid of all the worries, problems,
Faceti la fel, ca oricum n-aveti de ales si
Do the same, as you have no choice anyway
Luati tarnacopu', luati picamaru'
Take the pickaxe and take the pickhammer
Spargeti asfaltu' sa scoateti banu'.
Break up the asphalt to get the money out.
Luati tarnacopu', luati picamaru'
Take the pickaxe and take the pickhammer
Si dati, dati, dati, dati, sa iasa banu'.
And hit, hit, hit, hit, so the money can come out
Aici sunt banii dumneavoastra
Here are your money
Ma uit acum dintr-o noua perspectiva la drum
I'm looking at the road from a new perspective now
E cu-atat mai valoros cu cat e
It's all the more valuable as it is
Mai lat, mai inalt, sa-ncapa cat mai multi bani in el
Wider, taller, to fit as much money as possible
Toti banii nostri sunt aicea sub asfalt.
All our money is here under the asphalt.
Acu' m-am prins de ce n-are banca lichiditati
Now I realized why the bank does not have liquidity
Si rezerve valutare nu prea sunt.
And there are not many foreign exchange reserves.
Pai cum sa fie daca astia ne-au bagat toti banii, toti banii in pamant.
Well, what if they put all our money, all our money in the ground.
Acu' m-am prins de ce sunt atatea gropi.
Now I understand why there are so many pits.
Aveti rabdare, va spun imediat, probabil c-au fost altii mult mai destepti,
Be patient, I'll tell you right away, there were probably others who were much smarter,
Stiau unde-s banii si au sapat.
They knew where the money was and they dug.
Luati tarnacopu', luati picamaru'
Take the pickaxe and take the pickhammer
Spargeti asfaltu' sa scoateti banu'.
Break up the asphalt to get the money out.
Luati tarnacopu', luati picamaru'
Take the pickaxe and take the pickhammer
Si dati, dati, dati, dati, sa iasa banu'.
And hit, hit, hit, hit, so the money can come out
Aici sunt banii dumneavoastra
Here are your money