Translation of the song Bă, treci la coadă! artist Taxi
Bă, treci la coadă!
Man, get in the line!
Eu nu stiu cine ti-a bagat in cap ca esti special
Dunno who told you that you're so special
Daca activezi si tu in domeniul cultural
If you also work in the cultural field
Nu stiu cum il cheama pe ala care a lansat aberatia
Dunno the name of the one who launched this idea
Ca cica statul la ghiseu afecteaza creatia
that sitting at the counter affects creation
Eu nu inteleg de ce e o problema asa de mare
I don't get why it's such a big deal
Cred ca poti sa creezi si daca stai in picioare
I guess you can create even if you're standing.
Ba, treci la coada
Man, get in the line!
Ba, treci la coada
Man, get in the line!
Si daca vrea sa te vada
And if they want to see you,
Sa vina si publicul la coada
may the public get in the line too
Ba, treci la coada
Man, get in the line!
Ba, artistule
Hey, you, artist
Lasa figurile!
give up those games
Eu nu stiu cine ti-a bagat in cap ca esti essential
Dunno who told you that you're essential
C-ar trebui sa fii tratat preferential
and you must be treated preferentially
Nu stiu cum il cheama pe ala care a zis ca el nu mai plateste
dunno who's the one that said that he's not paying anymore (taxes?)
La televizor, cred ca Bitman se numeste
on TV, guess he's called Bittman
Si sa-ti mai zic o axioma, tine minte de la mine
And, let me tell you one axiom, remember it:
Statul stie cel mai bine ce e bine pentru tine
State knows best what's good for you
Ia, hai, la coada!
Now, come get in the line! coada!
Beligan..get in the line! coada!
Rebengiuc..get in the line! coada!
Cartarescu..get in the line! coada!
Manolescu..get in the line!
Tudor coada!
Tudor Gheorghe..get in the line!
Dan coada!
Dan Grigore..get in the line!…s-o lasam in fata, ca e doamna..
Morgenstern..err…let's give her a place in front, she's a lady!..