Translation of the song Comunitaru' artist Taxi
The Strays
Tara-i o gradina,
The country is a garden;
Bucurestiul - o floare.
Bucharest, a flower
Eu merg pe trotuar cu labele murdare.
I walk on the sidewalk with dirty feet
Ce nesimtire! Sunt un magar;
What insensitivity! I’m an ass
De fapt, sunt un caine comunitar’.
In fact, I’m a stray dog
Nivelul de trai a crescut uluitor,
The standard of living is greatly increased
Porcul e gras si pomul roditor.
The pig is fat and the trees fruitful
Intreaga Europa a venit sa vada
From across Europe they came to see
Da' m-a gasit pe mine pe strada.
But I found myself on the street
Refren (2X)
Chorus (2X)
Castraţi-mă, castraţi-mă,
Castrate me, castrate me,
Sau, dacă vreţi, eutanasiaţi-mă,
Or, if you like, euthanize me,
Pentru că singura voastră problemă
Because your only problem
Sunt eu, câinele comunitar'.
is me, the stray dog.*
Sistemul bancar e unanim apreciat.
The banking system is unanimously praised.
Politica e un nufar imaculat.
Politics is lily white.
Vaca da laptic, gaina ousor,
The cow gives milk, a hen lays eggs
Numai eu nu ma incadrez in decor.
but I don’t fit in the scene.
Pe unde te uiti - numai fete zambitoare.
Wherever you look, only smiling faces.
Tara este pur si simplu infloritoare.
The country is simply flourishing.
Gata cu somaju',
Enough with unemployment,
cu inflatia, cu tot.
with inflation as well.
Va rog, dati-mi una peste bot!
Please, hit me on my snout!
Refren (2X)
Chorus (2X)