Translation of the song Iubesc un om politic artist Taxi


Iubesc un om politic

English translation

I'm loving a political man



Iubesti un om politic

I'm loving a political man

Destul de hot, destul de rau, destul de gras, destul de mic

Pretty much a thief, pretty bad, pretty fat, pretty little

Da' nu-i nimic, pentru ca e si el om politic

but it's ok, because he's a man a little

E om numai un pic

He's a man for just a little

Restu-i politic

The rest is political

E om numai un pic

He's a man for just a little

Restu-i politic

The rest is political

Romeo si Julieta

Romeo and Juliet

Erau tampiti, fara-ndoiala

were stupid, no doubt

Ce dragoste e aia care te baga-n boala?

What love is the one that makes you sick?

O dragoste mare te sufoca, te sugruma, te consuma

A big love suffocates you, strangles you, comsumes you

O dragoste mititica este mult mai buna, d-aia

A little love is better, that's why

M-am gandit, ca sa nu patesc nimic

I thought, so I can't get it bad

Cel mai bine pentru mine ar fi sa iubesc un om... mic

Best thing for me is to love a little man

Asa ca..


Iubesc un om politic

I'm loving a political man

Destul de hot, destul de rau, destul de gras, destul de mic

Pretty much a thief, pretty bad, pretty fat, pretty little

Da' nu-i nimic, pentru ca e si el om un pic

but it's ok, because he's a man a little

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

Iubesc cu detasare

I love with detachment

Sunt foarte putin solicitata

I am very little solicitated

Dragostea-i autentica, desi extrem de relaxata

This love is authentic, although extremely relaxed

Oricum... inima lui foarte de mica n-ar putea sa faca fata

Anyway ... his very small heart couldn't handle it

Daca dragostea mea ar fi mareata

If my love were great

Paradoxal... desi are buzunarul gros ca-i miliardar

Paradoxically ... even though he has a big pocket like a billionaire

Nu este altceva decat un om de buzunar

He is nothing but a pocket man

Iubesc un om politic

I'm loving a political man

Destul de hot, destul de rau, destul de gras, destul de mic

Pretty much a thief, pretty bad, pretty fat, pretty little

Da' nu-i nimic, pentru ca e si el om un pic

but it's ok, because he's a man a little

Un pic

A little

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

(Eu, hot?

(Me, thief?

Mi se pare o acuza cel putin deplasata si total nefondata.

Seems an accuse at least misplaced and totally impertinent

E adevarat ca am imprumutat acei bani din fondurile PHARE,

It's true that I've borrowed those money from the PHARE funds,

dar pana la urma firma este a copiilor mei,

but anyway, the firm is my kids'

nu este a mea pentru ca este a copiilor mei,

not mine, because it's my kids'

deci nu este a mea.

so it's not mine

Rau, da.

Bad, yeah

Sunt rau cu cei care nu ma lasa sa-mi dedic intreaga viata si activitate prosperitatii acestei tari al carei fiu sunt.

I'm bad with the ones that don't let me devote the entyre life and activity


to the prosperity of this country of which a son I am.

Ce sa zic... poate ca m-am implinit putin in ultimul timp, dar asta numai pentru ca stau de dimineata pana noaptea la birou in slujba acestui popor.)


E un om foarte mic, foarte mic, foarte mic, mic, mic, mic, mic, mic

It's a very, very, very little, little, little, little, little, little man

E un om foarte mic, foarte mic, foarte mic, mic, mic, mic, mic, mic

It's a very, very, very little, little, little, little, little, little man

E un om foarte mi, c foarte mic, foarte mic, mic, mic, mic, mic, mic

It's a very, very, very little, little, little, little, little, little man

Restu-i politic

The rest is political

Restu-i politic, politic, politic, politic...

The rest is political, political, political, political...

Iubesti un om politic

I'm loving a political man

Destul de hot, destul de rau, destul de gras, destul de mic

Pretty much a thief, pretty bad, pretty fat, pretty little

Da' nu-i nimic, pentru ca e si el om un pic

but it's ok, because he's a man a little

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

E om numai un pic, restu-i politic

He's a man for just a little; the rest is political

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