Translation of the song Poate o să stea artist Taxi


Poate o să stea

English translation

Maybe it'll stay

Daca ai noroc s-o intalnesti poate o sa stea...

If you have the luck to meet it, maybe it'll stay...



Imi complic existenta, o fac cu pricepere, sunt specializat

I'm complicating the existence, I'm making it precisely, I'm specialized

Pot sa iau orice lucru extrem de simplu si sa-l transform intr-unul complicat.

I can take any extremely simple thing and complicate it

Cu toate astea n-am indraznit niciodata sa complic o minune

So, I never dared to complicate a wonder

O minune e un lucru mult prea fragil, e cam tot ce se poate spune.

A wonder is a too fragile thing, it's all that they can say



E aproape tot ce pot spune despre o minune

It's almost all that I can say about a wonder

Si totusi parca ar mai fi ceva...

and still, feels like there may be something more

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Daca ai noroc sa intalnesti o minune

If you have the luck to meet a wonder

Sa ai grija de ea...

Take care of it

Trebuie sa stii sa intelegi o minune

You have to know how to understand a wonder

Si poate o sa stea, poate o sa stea...

and maybe it'll stay, maybe it'll stay

Poate o sa stea...

Maybe it'll stay...



Habar n-am ce trebuie sa faci si cum sa ingrijesti o minune

Got no idea what you'll have to do and how to take care of a wonder

Probabil sunt cativa care stiu dar oricum nimeni nu-ti spune

Probably there are some who know but nobody will tell you

Ma gandesc totsui ca o minune e ca o umbra, merge cu tine fara sa stii

I'm thinking still that a wonder is like a shadow: goes with you without you knowing

Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa te uiti la soare macar o data pe zi.

All that you have to do is look at the sun at least once a day



Refren (x2) :..


Daca ai noroc s-o intalnesti poate o sa stea...

If you have the luck to meet it, maybe it'll stay...

Refren (x2) :..


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