Translation of the song Subtitrarea la români artist Taxi
Subtitrarea la români
Subtitling in Romania
Aveam senzaţia că ştiu şi eu engleză un pic
I thought I knew a little English
Dar m-am prins că nu ştiu absolut nimic
But it turned out I knew absolutely none
Asta după ce-am văzut la televizor
That's after I saw subtitled movies
subtitrările filmelor - şi nu mi-a fost uşor
on TV – and it wasn't easy for me
am ajuns să cred, vă spun pe cuvânt,
I came to believe, no joke,
că engleza e cea mai curată limbă de pe pământ
That English was the purest language in the world.
pentru că Hey motherfucker, you little freak,
Because Hey motherfucker, you little freak,
you're a useless bitch, so suck my dick
You're a useless bitch, so suck my dick
înseamnă eşti un nenorocit, prost şi mic
Means You're a stupid little wretch
şi nu eşti bun de nimic
and a good-for-nothing
sau hey, motherfucker, don't fuck with me
Or Hey, motherfucker, don't fuck with me
go fuck yourself, now let me be
Go fuck yourself, now let me be
înseamnă eşti un nenorocit, m-ai supărat,
Means you're a wretch, you've made me angry,
şi vreau să pleci imediat
And I want you to leave this instant!
Sau poate engleza a rămas la fel mereu
Or maybe English has always stayed the same
e tot aia pe care-am învăţat-o eu la liceu
It's the same kind I learned in high school
poate că ăştia care fac traducere
Maybe the translators
vor să-i menajeze p-ăia de la CNA
Want to protect the people at the National Audiovisual Council
că ăia pot să suporte expresii de nedescris,
Because those guys can stand all sorts of unspeakable expressions,
dar au ochii sensibili, nu suportă şi în scris
But they have delicate eyes and can't stand them in writing.
pentru că Hey motherfucker, you little freak,
Because Hey motherfucker, you little freak,
you're a useless bitch, so suck my dick
You're a useless bitch, so suck my dick
înseamnă eşti un nenorocit, prost şi mic
Means You're a stupid little wretch
şi nu eşti bun de nimic
and a good-for-nothing
sau hey, motherfucker, don't fuck with me
Or Hey, motherfucker, don't fuck with me
go fuck yourself, now let me be
Go fuck yourself, now let me be
înseamnă eşti un nenorocit, m-ai supărat,
Means you're a wretch, you've made me angry,
şi vreau să pleci imediat
And I want you to leave this instant!
Mai avem câteva exmple din dotare,
There are some more examples,
într-o celebră traducere şi interpretare:
in a famous translation and interpretation:
Yo n****r, shut the fuck up
Yo n****r, shut the fuck up
Mai tacă-ţi fleanca
Shut your pie hole
I'm so gonna fuck your shit up, you son of a bitch
I'm so gonna fuck your shit up, you son of a bitch
Am eu ac de cojocul tău, netrebnicule!
I won't let you get away with this, you scoundrel!
This fucking scumbag bastard all up in my shit
This fucking scumbag bastard all up in my shit
Şi-a băgat nasul unde nu-i fierbe oala!
He's nosing around where he shouldn't be!
Now I know what a dirty cocksucker you are!
Now I know what a dirty cocksucker you are!
Acum ştiu ce-ţi poate pielea!
Now I know what you're up to!
Mind your fucking business, you useless cunt!
Mind your fucking business, you useless cunt!
Bagă-ţi minţile în cap, amârâtule!
Snap out of it, you riffraff!
Why don't you suck my motherfucking dick, bitch?
Why don't you suck my motherfucking dick, bitch?
Ştii ceva? Ia mai plimbă ursu'!
You know what? Take a hike!
Fuck you, you shit for brains motherfucker!
Fuck you, you shit for brains motherfucker!
Du-te naibii!
Darn you!
Câteodata mă întreb, ce guvernează România
Sometimes I wonder, is Romania ruled
ipocrizia sau pudibunderia?
by hypocrisy or prudishness?
Refren (X2):
Chorus (X2):
pentru că Hey motherfucker, you little freak,
Because Hey motherfucker, you little freak,
you're a useless bitch, so suck my dick
You're a useless bitch, so suck my dick
înseamnă eşti un nenorocit, prost şi mic
Means You're a stupid little wretch
şi nu eşti bun de nimic
And a good-for-nothing
sau hey, motherfucker, don't fuck with me
Or Hey, motherfucker, don't fuck with me
go fuck yourself, now let me be
Go fuck yourself, now let me be
înseamnă eşti un nenorocit, m-ai supărat,
Means, You're a wretch, you've made me angry,
şi vreau să pleci imediat
And I want you to leave this instant
Great fucking job, motherfuckers!
Great fucking job, motherfuckers!
A zis că am făcut o treabă foarte bună!
He said we did a great job!