Translation of the song Tipa e greşită artist Taxi
Tipa e greşită
The girl is wrong
Va plimbati prin oras,
You're walking downtown,
Te uiti dupa femei, ea se uita la vitrine.
You're looking at women, she's looking at the shop windows
La un moment dat spune:
At a moment, she says:
Ce-mi place rochia aia verde, uite, aia cu buline!
How I love that green dress, look, the polka-dotted one!
Esti un tip sensibil, a doua zi o cumperi,
You're a sensitive guy, next day you buy it
Asta dupa ce te-ai imprumutat de bani,
after you borrowed some money,.
I-o daruiesti fericit da' ea spune:
you give it happily, but she says:
Ce verde oribil,
What an ugly green,
Si nu mai port buline de la pai'spe ani
and I'm not wearing polka-dots since the age of 14.
Nu stii care-i problema, nu stii ce e cu ea,
You don't know what's the problem, you don't know what's with her
Sa-ti spun ceva:
Let me tell you something:
Nu sufera de nici o boala nedescoperita,
She doesn't have an undiscovered sickness
Nu, pur si simplu:
No, simply:
Tipa e gresita,
The girl is wrong
Tipa e gresita, gresita.
The girl is wrong, wrong
Tipa e gresita,
The girl is wrong
Tipa e gresita, gresita.
The girl is wrong, wrong
Te suna pe la pranz
Calls you on lunchtime
Sa va-ntalniti seara pe la sapte, ca-i e foarte dor de tine.
to date in the evening at 7, for she's missing you.
Vrea sa mergeti intr-un bar, la un film, undeva, oriunde.
Wants to go to a bar, a movie, somewhere, anywhere
Oriunde cu tine e bine.
wherever it's good with you
Stai de la sapte fara zece pana la opt jumate.
You sit from seven to ten to eight-thirty.
Nu apare. O suni sa-ntrebi ce s-a intamplat.
Does not show up. You call her to ask what happened.
Iti raspunde intrigata ca nu-ntelege
She answers intrigued that she doesn't understand
Si ca ea astazi nici macar nu te-a sunat.
And that she didn't even call you today.
Nu stii care-i problema, nu stii ce e cu ea,
You don't know what's the problem, you don't know what's with her
Sa-ti spun ceva:
Let me tell you something:
Nu sufera de nici o boala nedescoperita,
She doesn't have an undiscovered sickness
Nu, pur si simplu:
No, simply:
Tipa e gresita,
The girl is wrong
Tipa e gresita, gresita.
The girl is wrong, wrong
Tipa e gresita,
The girl is wrong
Tipa e gresita, gresita.
The girl is wrong, wrong
Tipa e gresita,
The girl is wrong
Tipa e gresita, gresita.
The girl is wrong, wrong
Tipa e gresita,
The girl is wrong
Tipa e gresita, gresita.
The girl is wrong, wrong
Nu stii care-i problema, nu stii ce e cu ea,
You don't know what's the problem, you don't know what's with her
Sa-ti spun ceva:
Let me tell you something:
Nu sufera de nici o boala nedescoperita,
She doesn't have an undiscovered sickness
Nu, pur si simplu:
No, simply:
Tipa e gresita.
The girl is wrong