Translation of the song 白马入芦花 artist He Tu
A similar fate
黄河泄自星宿海 奔流入名篇
prosperity seems to flow everywhere else on earth
岭上云至洛邑雪 洋洋万山间
But only to our land as frozen harshness from over the mountains
西京灯市如海 喧嚣夜 长风穿楼阙
Our glorious land once thrived with seas of lights and the cheerful sounds of many
忽抬眼 晴翠成荒烟
But the hordes crept past our watchtowers
少年曾出长安道 籍籍入荒野
And in the blink of an eye, turned prosperity to desolation
塞鸿偶驮泉下魂 残碑负深雪
Once a centre of fame and noble prospects for its youth, it is but a desolate reminder of history now
三叠声里 缥缈梦冷冽 孤悬白月尖
Even here, far from home, I sometimes think of the lost souls, though it has been so long since they left
一身风流上明殿 傲立君前
In my lament for them, my prospects too become surreal and unlikely, like I have taken the wrong path
银碗盛雪 明月藏鹭 白马入芦花
I sing with a professional lack of emotion, as if I am simply fulfilling a task ordered of me
十八拍清笳 征人提灯走天涯
I look not closely at each life that was taken, but only at the easier summary of their combined fates
蜿蜒登高一刹 观飒沓
I sing songs of sorrow for the departed souls
于十万埋骨处 坠新霞
As I continue, I catch glimpses of understanding
边庭难越 长安何人还说侠
As time goes on, the memory of their souls grows tantalisingly close
少年曾出长安道 籍籍入荒野
Though they all perished long ago on the frontiers, and have been forgotten by most
塞鸿偶驮泉下魂 残碑负深雪
Once a centre of fame and noble prospects for its youth, it is but a desolate reminder of history now
三叠声里 缥缈梦冷冽 孤悬白月尖
Even here, far from home, I sometimes think of the lost souls, though it has been so long since they left
一身风流上明殿 傲立君前
In my lament for them, my prospects too become surreal and unlikely, like I have taken the wrong path
银碗盛雪 明月藏鹭 白马入芦花
I sing with a professional lack of emotion, as if I am simply fulfilling a task ordered of me
风流尚存 万般风流皆似他
I look not closely at each life that was taken, but only at the easier summary of their combined fates
静夜醉饮歌台 卧芳华
When accomplishment still existed in this world, our home was the epitome of it
任星芒泼黛瓦 忽飞沙
But in our greatness we were placid and unsuspecting
风蚀台下 盛唐风流皆是他
Over our innocent and unprepared homeland, sudden war broke
纵马一日 歌诗百篇 君曾生逢太平年
Long after the destruction, people ironically remember our homeland as the epitome of peace
崖畔听潮 亭里赏石 史书翻遍未消闲
of no fear, of literary brilliance and as a prominent city in an era of great calm
而后 杯中黄土 当头晦月
They remember it as a place of poetically examining the sorrows and joys of the world from far away without affliction, of appreciating nature and literature
人在枯草边 有碑石立峁原
However an unexpected darkness broke upon us
坐觉苍茫万古意 长空铺白练
And now I sit by graves built upon the ruin of our land
银碗盛雪 明月藏鹭 白马入芦花
Sitting here reminiscences fill my empty heart, as stars fill the empty skill
风流尚存 万般风流皆似他
I look not closely at each life that was taken, but only at the easier summary of their combined fates
静夜醉饮歌台 卧芳华
When accomplishment still existed in this world, our home was the epitome of it
任星芒泼黛瓦 忽飞沙
But in our greatness we were placid and unsuspecting
风蚀台下 盛唐风流皆是他
Over our innocent and unprepared homeland, sudden war broke