Translation of the song パールのマニキュア artist Meiko Nakahara
Pearl Manicure
ピアノを遊ぶ指に パールのマニキュア
Pearl manicure fingers caress the piano
アナタのスキな Baby pink
Your favorite, [baby pink]
Tears will make it hard to see
予期せぬできごとは アナタに年上の人
You having an unexpected affair with an older person
私の知らない人なら ずっとマシな話
I'd much rather it be a case of someone I didn't know
Oh, I'm crying crying
[Oh, I'm crying, crying]
黄昏に 涙が涸れるまで泣くわ
Tears at twilight will fall until they dry out
アナタのスキな Baby pink は
Your favorite, [baby pink]
I'll never paint them that a second time
My darling 他の誰かを
[My darling] Why have you
何故 愛したの
loved somebody else?
アナタをいちばんスキなのは きっと私なのに
Even though, surely, I was your one love
Oh, I'm crying crying
[Oh I'm crying, crying]
優しさは 私への償いだったの
Kindness was the atonement I got
アナタのスキな Baby pink は
Your favorite, [baby pink]
I'll never paint them that a second time
Oh, I'm crying crying
[Oh, I'm crying, crying]
優しさは 私への償いだったの
Kindness was the atonement I got
アナタのスキな Baby pink は
Your favorite, [baby pink]
I'll never paint them that a second time