Translation of the song فدوه اروح اني artist Saif Nabeel


فدوه اروح اني

English translation

To a Sacrifice, I'd go for

بس انتَ لروحك فدوه اروح اني

But for your soul, I'd sacrifice, I'd go for

وعيني بس الك تشوفك

and only my eyes would only be to see you

واشتاق الك حتى انته باحضاني

and I miss you even though you are in my hug

وما اگدر بلحظه اعوفك

and I can not let you go one second

هنيالي حبيت واحد ولا عندي بغلاته

Congratulations for me, I loved someone, who i have nobody else as precious

ناذر الي عمره وحياته

I'm sacrificing my life and days

ما امله ماكو مثله

I would never get bored of, and nobody else i'd want

بس القمر يشبه صفاته

But the moon have common features as her

كلمة احبك بس الك صارت

The word I love you' only it is for you to be

ما رايد لغيرك احجيها

I do not want anyone but you to talk to

بادي حياتي وياك واتمنى

I'd want my life to be with you and I'd hope..

يا روحي بحظنك انهيها

Oh my soul, that i would end it in your hug

واضح ياغالي الحب على عيوني

Oh precious one, Love is clearly shown on my eyes

عرفوني ما اگدر بدونك

They let me know that I can not be without you

واضعف اذا باسمك يحلفوني

and i get weak if i need to swear by your name

يدروني ميت على عيونك

and they will find I'm dying on your eyes

خليني وياك

Let me be with you

لحظه لا تحرمني منك

a second, do not be deprived of you

اني مسقط راسي حضنك

My homeland is your hug

يحلى وقتي يا لهفتي

the time gets pretty oh ya precious

اموت اذا بعدوني عنك

I'd die if they took me away from you

وبس انتَ لروحك فدوه اروح اني

But for your soul, I'd sacrifice, I'd go for

وعيني بس الك تشوفك

and only my eyes would only be to see you

واشتاقلك حتى انته باحضاني

and I miss you even though you are in my hug

ما اگدر بلحظه اعوفك

and I can not let you go one second

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