Translation of the song L'architect artist Lynda Lemay



English translation

The Architect

Il avait du talent en danse

He was a great dancer

Il est devenu architecte

He became an architect

Il était doué pour les lettres et les langues

He had a gifted for letters and languages

Il parlait à ses plantes

He was talking to his plants

Il faisait des miracles en cuisine

He did miracles in the kitchen

Mélangeait des épices divines

Mixed divine spices

Mais son père, le dimanche, occupé à boire son apéro

But his father on Sunday, busy drinking his cocktail

N’a jamais, semble-t-il, remarqué que son fils était beau

It seems that he never noticed that his son was beautiful.

Il était mordu de musique

He loved music dearly

Il est devenu architecte

He became an architect

Il était à ses heures poète et pianiste

He was its poet and pianist sometimes

Il s’entourait d’artistes

He surrounded himself with artists

Il finissait toujours en cuisine

he always ends up in the kitchen

À jongler avec des clémentines

juggling clementines

Mais son père, le dimanche, au souper, devant son numéro

But his father on Sunday at dinner in front of this scene

N’a jamais, semble-t-il, remarqué que son fils était beau

he never noticed that his son was beautiful.

Il aurait pu vivre de théâtre

He could live from performing in a theater

Il est devenu architecte

He became an architect

Il citait par cœur tant Camus que Socrate

He learnt quotes by Camus and Socrates

Qu’il avait lus en cachette

He had read in secret

Il jetait ses vestons, ses cravates

He threw his jackets, his ties

Torse nu, il faisait l’acrobate

Shirtless, he was an acrobat

Mais son père, le dimanche, ignorait les prouesses de son fils

But his father on Sunday ignored the prowess of his son

Et ne parlait jamais que du prochain projet d’édifice

And never spoke of the next building project

Il est demeuré architecte

He stayed architect

Il a dessiné des merveilles

He drew wonders

A jonglé avec des compas et des règles

A juggled compasses and rules

Un crayon sur l’oreille

A pencil on the ear

Le veston, la cravate bien en place

The jacket, the tie in place

En attendant son whisky sur glace

Meanwhile his whiskey on ice

Comme son père le dimanche, quand sonnait l’heure de son apéro

Like his father on Sunday when ringing the hour of his drink

Il avait du talent en danse

He was a great dancer

Il est devenu un peu raide

He became a bit steep

Mais parfois encore il se lève et s’élance

But still sometimes he gets up and rushes

Et les pas se succèdent

And the steps follow each other

Le voilà qui tournoie d’vant la glace

Here he spins in front of the mirror

Il revoit le p’tit gars, le gymnaste

He sees the little guy, the gymnast

Que son père, le dimanche, semble-t-il, n’a jamais trouvé beau !

That his father on Sunday, it seems, has never found beautiful!

Et son père, un dimanche, s’est enfui dans son dernier repos

And his father, a Sunday, fled to his final resting place

Sans jamais avoir vu, semble-t-il, que son fils était beau.

Without ever having seen, it seems that her son was beautiful

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