Translation of the song 鍵穴 artist Ken Hirai
I want to touch you until reaching you deep inside
With this key I want to unlock a brand new world
I've got a perfect key 右曲がりの
I've got a perfect key; it bends to the right
Will it fit into your slender keyhole?
刺さったまんまで Stay with me 鏡越しに君と目が合って
Until I go in all the way, stay with me - my eyes meeting yours through the looking glass
淫らなポーズで Say my name 鍵をかけて遥かかなたへ
In a lewd pose, say my name - we're going over to the other side locked far away
ふくませて 匂(かお)って にじませて
Suckle it in your mouth, spread your sweet scent, let it all out
そんなすぐに欲しがらないで スペアキーは無い
I want you right now, I don't have a spare key
君の顔が歪む度に 膨らんで
It's swelling at your distorted face
Do you want a special key? そびえ立ってる
Do you want a special key? It's towering over you
I want so badly to fill up your hidden keyhole
初めは焦らして1.2.3. 動物より露骨な僕等
Just a tease at first 123, we're more obscene than animals
おねだりするよに Say my name 卑猥なこと声にしてみて
As if you're begging, say my name in a dirty voice
刺さったまんまで Stay with me 鏡越しに君と目が合って
Until I go in all the way, stay with me - my eyes meeting yours through the looking glass
淫らなポーズで Say my name 鍵をかけて遥かかなたへ
In a lewd pose, say my name - we're going over to the other side locked far away
絡まって 砕けて 溶け合って
Intertwining, breaking down, melting together
刺さったまんまで Stay with me
Until I go in all the way, stay with me
淫らなポーズで Say my name
In a lewd pose, same my name
Just a tease at first 123