Translation of the song Dear Mr「F」 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)
Dear Mr「F」
Dear Mr F
追いかけて みたけれど
I tried running after you
目を見開いて 逃げていった
But I opened my eyes wide and lost sight of you
緑色 囲まれた
Surrounded by green
この空間から はみ出したら負けだ
It's all over if I leave this space
あの風車の 下でさ
We made a promise
待ち合わせしよって 約束した
To meet under that windmill
僕の足音 だけが虚しく リズムをとってた
But there's only the sound of my footsteps tapping in vain
暗い 幽い 森の中
In a dark, dark forest [1]
取り残された感覚 思い出した
I remembered a sensation left behind
きみ無しじゃ 生きていけないって
I can't go on living without you
依存しそう で厄介さ
That dependence is problematic
もう駄目だ もし触れたら
It's no good anymore, just touching
消えて無くなるんでしょ 真っ白に
Means disappearing into pure white
だめだ もう僕をさ
It's pointless, you see
見つけないでくれよ お願いだよ
Please, don't look for me anymore, I'm asking of you
そもそも 住む世界が違うな
Our worlds were different from the start
会いたいよ 迷惑かな
I want to see you, would it bother you?
間違えた ふりして笑おう
Let's pretend it was a mistake and laugh
It's futile
きみが 空気が 僕のパワーが
You and the air and my power
消えないことは もう 知ってるよ
I already know they won't disappear
ずれても 気付かないまま
I didn't notice it slip off
輪の中 軽やかな壁が見えた
Saw a thin wall inside the circle
空気は 読み書きできずに
Oblivious to everything [2]
吸って吐いて 返した
I took a deep breath and put it back
Due to having chosen a place to be,
凹んで 嵌まって 抜け出せなくなった
I gave in, got stuck and couldn't break free anymore
無限にある時間はいらない きみが 欲しいなら
I don't need infinite time if I want you
もう冷めた きみどころじゃないくらい
You're already cold, so much it's not you anymore
時間に 追われたい
I want to be chased by time
醒めた もう僕をさ
I came to my senses, you see,
突き放してくれよ お願いだよ
Please push me aside, I'm asking of you
そもそも 住む世界が違うな
Our worlds were different from the start
冗談だよ 口癖の
It's just a joke, that phrase,
間違えた ふりして笑おう
Let's pretend it was a mistake and laugh
It's futile
きみが 空気が 僕のパワーが
You and the air and my power
消えないことは もう 知ってるよ
I already know they won't disappear
あぁ、なんか わからなくなりました
Ah... I guess I don't understand anymore
自分って誰 あれ 何故なれないの
Who am I, why can't I do anything
降らす 張っ苦 胸が堕悪
A flashback fills my chest with sorrow [3]
強がり 群がり 口走り 空回り
Showing strength, swarming together, blurting out, running idle
That was my style of acting
But I scream when I'm alone
ねえ 気付いてた 知らなかったよ
You see, I noticed something I didn't know
どこに居ても 答えなど無いな
There's no answer, no matter where we go
After so long
ふれた温度 覚えてる
I still remember a warmth that touched me
思い出して 臆病になって
Thinking about it makes me flinch
それだけを ただ 繰り返したくて
I just wanted to redo that
It's futile
きみが 狂気な 僕のパワーが
You and my insane power
消えないことは もう 知ってるよ
I already know they won't disappear
If our worlds are different
会えないの? 何処に居ても
Can't we see each other? Anywhere at all?
伝えられたら 変わったかな
Did telling you this change anything?
ひとりで平気だけど 太陽はあかるいけど
The sun is bright and I can move on by myself
きみの足跡は 消えないよ
But your footsteps won't disappear