Translation of the song こんなこと騒動 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)



English translation

Rebellion for Such a Thing




Assembling to talk to each other

合わせ合う為の相槌 いつまで

This conversation for the sake of getting together, when will it end


Following this exactness

どこの性格が体に いいんだろう

Which personality is good for the body?


I walk through a stale Chinatown

涼しげに 意味 淀んだ挨拶だけ

I only say cold greetings with stagnated meaning


Doing my best to not make a sound

まるで 何かから逃げるみたいに

It's almost like I'm running from something


It's like it's getting obstructed

深い緑の海に潜んで 真っ直ぐでいても

Diving into a deep green ocean, even if I move straight ahead

今は その視界が居場所でも

Now, that field of vision is where I belong

些細な疑問くらい 許してよ

Would you mind me asking something trivial


From the conversations where I don't want to be hated

ほっとけない 疑問の全部 どうしても

All the questions I can't leave aside, no matter how

痛く見えてるほど なりたい自分で強がれるんだ

I can put up a front to become who I want to be, to the point that I look like I'm hurt

気にしてばかりで 巡り会いも失いたくない

I don't want to miss encounters due to being too concerned

こんなこと 云いたいわけじゃないのに

Though it's not like I want to say such a thing


Though I don't want to lose to such a self

もう どうだってよくなってしまう前に

I wanted to be prepared


Before I stopped caring

いつしか 現れる

Before I knew, an extraordinary grief

同じ熱の 途方もない憂いにも

Appears with the same heat

いつしか 助けられる

Before I knew, it saved me

まだ 諦めの悪い夢に頼ってしまうから

I'm still relying on the dream I don't want to give up on

思っていたことと違っても 今更 引き返せないよ

Even if it different than I imagined, I can't turn back anymore

[選べないコト]を きっと選ぶから

I'll definitely choose the thing I can't choose

もっと 単純で いいんだよ

It can be simpler

でも きっと こうやって着飾るの

But I'll certainly dress this way

より良いように 組み合うように 確かめたいよ

I want to ensure I'll fit in better

君の声で 太る意志で 貫けるから

With your voice, with fat intent, I can pierce through


From the conversations where I don't want to be hated

ほっとけない 疑問の全部 どうしても

All the questions I can't leave aside, no matter how

痛く見えてるほど なりたい自分で強がれるんだ

I can put up a front to become who I want to be, to the point that I look like I'm hurt

気にしてばかりで 巡り会いも失いたくない

I don't want to miss encounters due to being too concerned

こんなこと 云いたいわけじゃないのに

Though it's not like I want to say such a thing


Though I don't want to lose to such a self

もう どうだってよくなってしまう前に

I wanted to be prepared


Before I stopped caring


I realized since before losing,


And it was like the regret of realizing after losing

もう わかり合える 根本じゃなく

It's not the source of mutual understanding anymore,


I can comprehend first

どうにでも 些細な単純使命 果たせる

Anyway, I can complete a trivial and simple mission

ぶった多数に 右往左往 素振りしてる

I swing around at every direction and hit a lot of things

もう 自分が 見っともなくても

I don't look respectable anymore

素直に取り出した言葉 言いたいのに

Though I want to speak words thought up with honesty


From the conversations where I don't want to be hated

ほっとけない 疑問の全部 どうしても

All the questions I can't leave aside, no matter how

痛く見えてるほど なりたい自分で強がれるんだ

I can put up a front to become who I want to be, to the point that I look like I'm hurt

気にしてばかりで 巡り会いも失いたくない

I don't want to miss encounters due to being too concerned

こんなこと 云いたいわけじゃないのに

Though it's not like I want to say such a thing


Though I don't want to lose to such a self

もう どうだってよくなってしまう前に

I prepared myself


Before I stopped caring

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