Translation of the song またね幻 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)
Goodbye, Phantom
見たくもないよ 並ぶ残像
I don’t wanna see your lingering afterimage
Averting my eyes from the blue light
心と体 行き違いで
My heart and body had a disagreement
And I was unable to accept it all
「約束は もういい」と嘆く
“Forget about our promise” you sighed
Looking at the clouds before tears began to flow
君のその癖は いつからだろう
I wonder when you got that habit of yours
報われない遡り 終えたいだけなのに
Fruitless recollections, even though I just want to be finished with it
I want to hang my head
Till’ there’s no point hiding it anymore
誰でもいいよ 壊す勇気も知らないで
Anyone would be fine, I’m through with this broken courage
明らめたくて 名前を呼んでみたけど
I want to give up 1 , even as I tried calling your name again
わかってる わかってる
I get it, I get it
まだ成れていない それだけ
I’m just not quite used to it yet
いつか 叶えられるまで 辿り着けないよ
Until my wishes are fulfilled, I’ll never arrive at a conclusion
ふと よぎるたび 歌にしまうんだよ
Every time we unexpectedly pass by, I end up putting it to song
涙にもなれない憂だけで 遠く願うんだ
With this melancholy that won’t even turn into tears, I’m pleading the future
ちぐはぐで飛び込んで いけるとこまで
With my mismatched feelings I’ll plunge as far as I can go
近づけるほど 夢で会えるかな
As I pull closer, perhaps we’ll meet at our dreams someday
探さなくていい 探さないでよ
I’m better off not looking for it, oh don’t go looking for it
今は 忘れさせてよ
Just let me forget it all now
It might be unsuitable of the youth that I’m bound to
But I’ve no time for roundabout expressions
柄にないこと 言わせてよ
So let me say something unfit for my position
A song imbued with my fragility
君のためにって 僕のためで
For your sake, for my sake
A shallow song
いつか 叶えられる果て 辿り着けないよ
I’ll never get closer to fulfilling my wish
ふと よぎるたび 歌にしまうんだよ
Every time we unexpectedly pass by, I end up putting it to song
涙にもなれない憂だけで 遠く願うんだ
With this melancholy that won’t even turn into tears, I’m pleading the future
ちぐはぐで飛び込んで いけるとこまで
With my mismatched feelings I’ll plunge as far as I can go
近づけるほど 夢で会えるかな
As I pull closer, perhaps we’ll meet at our dreams someday
探さなくていい 探さないでよ
I’m better off not looking for it, oh don’t go looking for it
いつか 忘れさせてよ
Let me forget about it all someday
君のかかえる全てを 僕にしまってよ
Let everything you are be enclosed within me
運も時空も もう要らないんだよ
I don’t even need luck, space or time anymore
空気みたいな色をしようと 僕にはわかった
Turning a colour close to air I finally understood
気づいたときには 幻なんだよ
When I noticed, you were already a phantom
それでも ずっと ここにいるんだよ
But even so you’re always here
信じているよ 信じさせてよ
I still believe, oh let me keep believing
Every time I sing I’m able to meet you again
何故だろう 見えないものばかり
Why is it always the unseeable things
That we believe in
君からもらった いくつもの
Everything that I received from you
幻想が 運命が 刹那声が
These fantasies, this destiny, your momentary voice
言葉にならない僕を 生かしてくれてた
Have kept this wordless self alive
嘘みたいに 溢れてくよ 見つけたよ
They flow forth impossibly, and I’ve found it