Translation of the song サターン artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)
私といるより楽しまないで 心に傷を負った君がいい
Don't have any more fun than when you're with me, I prefer you with an aching heart
不安にさせるの得意だよね 口下手な好きが欲しいの
You're great at making me anxious, I want your clumsy I love you
こうなれないで こわしてみてよ
Don't settle down, just try and break it
こうなれないで こわしてみてよ
Don't settle down, just try and break it
肝心なタイトルも 思い出せないまま
Without remembering the important titles
何回も回したレコード 積み重なっては隠した
I've hidden the piled up records played so many times
今日だって真っ白な地球 目を瞑ったけど
Today the world was blinding white and I closed my eyes
But his connection with that girl I don't wanna know about is etched into my eyes
相槌を覚えたせいで そらした気温とか
Because I remembered them getting along I turned the heat away
I'm accepting the data, code and oxygen that announce the end
I'm at zero gravity right now
Tired of hearing good night and sorry
言わなきゃ でもやっぱやだ
I have to say it, but I don't wanna
Because it's no use that way
言わなきゃ なんかこのまま
I have to say it, is it okay like this
Both of us pretending not to notice
歪でもいい 今日も照らし続けるよ
Even if it's flawed, I'll continue to shine today too
Even if you don't notice it in the end
木星も 月も 突き抜けなきゃ
I've got to pierce through Jupiter and the Moon
Because a futile voice can't touch you
少しだけあなたの住む世界 回り回って近づけた時は
When I spin a little closer to the world you live in
震える声に耳すまして 気まずいくらいに返さないでよ
Listen carefully to my trembling voice, don't give me a forced answer
So that we may overcome this distance
Or so I'd say but I'm not very confident
会うための約束も タイミング見計らってばかり
We're always picking and choosing times for us to meet
君の匂いも あのね、いつの間に変わってた
You scent too, since when did it change?
越えなきゃ 逃げちゃダメだ
We have to go cross over, can't run away
I'm always worried about what you'll think of me
会わなきゃ 会って聞かなきゃ
I've got to see you, and then ask you
All along I've noticed you averting your eyes
歪でもいい 今日も照らし続けるよ
Even if it's flawed, I'll continue to shine today too
Even if you don't notice it in the end
木星も 月も 突き抜けなきゃ
I've got to pierce through Jupiter and the Moon
Because a futile voice can't touch you
少しだけあなたの住む世界 回り回って近づけた時は
When I spin a little closer to the world you live in
I want you to find me first of all
Or so I'd like to say
まだ起きてる? 今日は誰を見ているの
Are you still awake? Who are you looking at today?
何のために私 照らしているの?
What am I shining for?
太陽も 月も 突き抜けなきゃ
I've got to pierce through the Sun and the Moon
Because a futile voice can't touch you
少しだけあなたの住む世界 回り回って近づけた時は
When I spin a little closer to the world you live in
震える声に耳すまして 気まずいくらいに返さないでよ
Listen carefully to my trembling voice, don't give me a forced answer
We can overcome this distance, right?
Or so I'd say but I don't wanna trouble you