Translation of the song マイノリティ脈絡 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)
Minority Reasoning
実は僕は こう見えて強引に
In reality, when I'm seen like this
ビリビリに包装紙 破ける
I tear the wrapping paper to pieces
切らした無添加の味噌 選んで
I pick the additive-free miso that I ran out of
Busy preparing breakfast
かっこつける 君の日々の文脈も
The context of your days too, as you show off
The days we've come to cherish
きっと 父さんも 姉ちゃんも 誰も
My dad, my sister, certainly no one
Can know about it
邪に はみ出した純粋から
From the purity sticking out of evil
I want to vanish, you know?
捏ねくり回して塞いだって もうっ
It's kneaded and blocked, dammit
I want to find an answer
Objective words can't manipulate
気づかれたくて でも冷静でいるんだ
I want to be noticed but I keep my composure
I'm glad it hurt before I couldn't come back anymore
紛らわして紛らわして 距離を取るほど
Diverting and distancing myself
Is not worth sticking to one side
I want to touch = want to endure = will not say it
散々 確信しているから
Because I'm utterly confident
話さないよ 離せないよ
I won't talk, I won't let go
見つめ合う時 僕でいられるなら
If I can be myself when we look at each other
足りない=繋ぎたい=全て成らない 方が
It's not enough = I want to connect = Can't become everything
We're closer friends that way, I'm glad
悲しいたましい 晒しあえるとき
Sad soul, when we expose each other [1]
新しいはなし 交わしあえるとき
New conversation, when we exchange messages
悲しいたましい 晒しあえるとき
Sad soul, when we expose each other
新しい悲しい 交わしあえるとき
New and sad, when we exchange messages
Can you take me out to the final spot?
Replacing with natural cells [2]
Can you stop your imaginative destruction?
Though in my body I suddenly want to worry
I want to make sure
安心感を汚したって もうっ
It pollutes my peace of mind, dammit
I want to find an answer
You can't maintain an active equation
近づきたくて でも冷静でいるんだ
I wanted to approach but I keep my composure
I'm glad I was sincere before it came to an end
紛らわして紛らわして 距離を取るほど
If I am to stick to one side
So much as to divert and distance myself
I want to touch = want to endure = will not say it
散々 確信しているから
Because I'm utterly confident
話さないよ 離せないよ
I won't talk, I won't let go
見つめ合う時 僕でいられるなら
If I can be myself when we look at each other
足りない=繋ぎたい=全て成らない 方が
It's not enough = I want to connect = Can't become everything
We're closer friends that way, I'm glad
悲しいたましい 晒しあえるとき
Sad soul, when we expose each other
新しいはなし 交わしあえるとき
New conversation, when we exchange messages
悲しいたましい 晒しあえるとき
Sad soul, when we expose each other
新しい悲しい 交わしあえるとき
New and sad, when we exchange messages
I want to try going beyond without telling anyone
I want to profit before becoming temporary [3]
今わかるなら問いときたい 喋ろ
If you know, I want to solve the question, speak up!
ただ 自分になりたいの 一刻も早く
I just want to become myself, as soon as possible
紛らわして紛らわして 距離を取るほど
If I am to stick to one side
So much as to divert and distance myself
紛らわして紛らわして 距離を取るほど
If I am to stick to one side
So much as to divert and distance myself
I want to touch = want to endure = will not say it
散々 確信しているから
Because I'm utterly confident
話さないよ 離せないよ
I won't talk, I won't let go
見つめ合う時 僕でいられるなら
If I can be myself when we look at each other
足りない=繋ぎたい=言葉にしちゃう から
Not enough = I want to connect = I end up putting it into words
Thank you, I'm glad