Translation of the song 優しくLAST SMILE artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)
A kind last smile
ねぇ いつ会えるの? なんでよ
Hey when can we meet?
Why are you always late?
目が大きい瞼 重いんだよ
My big eyelids are getting heavy
by losing things all the time
いつだって バイクに乗って 行きたいんだ
You know I always wanna ride your bike
寄り添って 手を繋いで 引きたいんだ
I want to be close to you, hold and let go of your hand
くれたお菓子は 誰よりも
All these sweets you gave me
多くカバンに入れた 得をしたいから
were filling up my bag, I wanted to make use them
とったの バレちゃうかなって
So I ate them. I wonder if you'll find out...
胸の鼓動 抑え 睨むあなたに
I try to hold down my heartbeat while I look at you
A kind last smile
12時に good night いえい
So say goodnight to me at midnight
瞼 重たいまんま
As my eyelids get heavy
We buy some pricey bread
さりげなく並ぶ 横から
Lined up casually from the side
誤魔化す スタンプ
A deceiving sticker
I just wanted to have a fight with you
本当は 11時に寝たんだ
The reality is that at 11pm I was already sleeping
夜更かし出来る自分を 自慢したいんだ
I just just that wanted to brag that I can stay up late
Let's get along with the school nurse
仲良くしよ したら こっちのもんだから
If we do it it's all thanks to me
If I eat before lunchtime I wonder if you'll find out...
胸の鼓動 抑え すする私に
I try to hold down my heartbeat while I slurp my food
A kind last smile
いつの日か good-bye いえい
When will we have to say goodbye?
お腹 空いてなかった
I wasn't that hungry
どんどん 溶ける 茶色く染まっていく
It's melting more and more, dyeing the floor light brown
どんどん 溶ける 雑菌は多いけれど
It's melting more and more, there's a lot of bacteria
かりんとう風味の そふとくりーむ
The karinto ice cream
きっと 持ってんだよ
I'm sure I was holding it tightly
悪いことしちゃったな とは思っているけれど
I think I messed up but...
If everyone can do well
それはそれでよかった 逃れらんないよ
Then it's fine. I have nowhere to run
I got fat. I wonder if you'll notice...
胸の鼓動 抑え 照れる私に
I try to hold down my heartbeat while I blush
A kind last smile
いつの日か good-bye いえい
When will we have to say goodbye?
機嫌 悪いふりした
I just pretended to be in a bad mood
でも 引き止めらんない
But I can't stop