Translation of the song 居眠り遠征隊 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)
The Expeditionary Force of Dozing Off
しゃっくりの応援団 涙の運動会
Cheering party of hiccups, field day of tears
食べ残したお弁当 まだ捨てナイで
Don't throw away your leftovers yet
地下の階段TAMURO 嫌いの共感会議
A gathering in the underground stairways, the support group that I hate
何も言わなくても ただ 頷いて
Don't say anything, just nod
元気のナイ号令 居眠り遠征帰り
An unenthusiastic order, the return from the expedition of dozing off
練習試合 1つも勝てナイし
Haven't won a single practice game
朝練してばっか 仲間のドクロ
My skull friends keep doing their morning practice
何も言わなくても ただ隣 来て
I don't even say anything, they just show up
質問攻めして わざと負けてみたって
A barrage of questions, trying to lose on purpose
何してるのかって 自分でもわからなくて
I don't even know what I'm doing
辞りたいことだって 辞めたいことだって
Things I want to do, things I want to quit
暇つぶす口して 答え知りたくナイんだよ
Talking to waste time, I don't wanna know the answer
誰にも言わナイで 相手にしナイで
Don't talk to anyone, ignore them
どうか 飽きナイ程度でいて
But not so much to get you tired
悪気なくても 貶し慣れたら
Even without ill intentions, if you get used to bad-mouthing
You won't be able to feel anything anymore
誰にも効かナイで 相手にしナイで
Don't listen to anyone, ignore them
どうか 飽きナイ程度でいて
But not so much to get you tired
つまらない自分 受け入れるほど
I've got an urge to do something
何か やる気が漲るのかな~あ、aaa..
so much to make me accept my worthlessness, ah...
元気のナイ亡霊 居眠り遠征帰り
An unenthusiastic ghost, the return of the expedition of dozing off
It's not even someone to call all the time
省いて絆 深める 仲間のドクロ
Cutting ties, deepening my skull friends
何も言わナイけど 誰も嫌っていナイ
I'm not saying anything, but they don't hate me
君にだけは絶対 いじられたくなくて
I don't want to be teased by you, not by you
有る事 ナイ事 イイふらしモンスターが
A monster spreads rumors, things that are there and things that aren't
呼び出しを食らって また標的だって
Received a call, I'm still a target
知らナイふりして 静かに暮らしたいけど
I pretend not to know, I only wanted to live in peace
誰にも言わナイで 相手にしナイで
Don't talk to anyone, ignore them
どうか 飽きナイ程度でいて
But not so much to get you tired
話ボヤかすことも 慣れたら
If you get used to making ambiguous stories
You won't be able to feel anything anymore
誰にも効かナイで 相手にしナイで
Don't listen to anyone, ignore them
どうか 飽きナイ程度でいてよ~
But not so much to get you tired
大人しくなる 君に興味があると
So docile, they're interested in you
They just can't bring themselves to say it, ah...
You don't have to respond to people's expectations
盛られた噂に白目 向けたらイイの
It's okay to coldly stare at the rumors piling up
優勝候補に毎回 当たるからには
You guess the winner right every day, so
負け方くらいは テンポよくありたいわ!
Get the tempo of losing as well
何もかも全部 受け継がなくてもイイの
You don't have to inherit everything
何を優先に 大切にできたらイイの
You can choose your priorities
優勝候補に毎回 当たるからには
You guess the winner right every day, so
負け方くらい こっちが決めさせてもらうわ。
Let me chose how I lose