Translation of the song 彷徨い酔い温度 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)



English translation

Wandering Drunken Temperature

夢かな 酔っ払った屋台に

I wonder if this is a dream. Drunk, on a dancing platform,

悲しいまつげと影 ふわっと踊ってる

sad eyelashes and shadows are dancing softly.

忙しない かげろう畑は

On a restless field of heat haze,

誰も思い出せぬような 問いが揺れてるから

a question that no one seems to remember is swaying.

誰かは 滝のように笑えば

If someone laughed like a waterfall,

頼りに堅い志は 距離も煮詰める

an unreliable will would boil down the distance.

だらしない 汗のかいた ラムネが

I'm sloppy. There's condensation on the lemon pops.

太鼓の音に仕向けられて ぽっかり二番手さ

Induced by the sound of the taiko drums, suddenly I'm second in position.

わからないままで いるから

I still don't understand anything,

確かめもしないで 全てにしないで

so don't try to confirm, don't make this everything.


As if I could turn away right now.

予想も届かない 言葉にかまわない

I don't meet expectations, I don't care about words.

上っ面に揺さぶられたくないから ただ

I don't want to be swayed by appearances. It's just...

凄いよ 篭って

It's great, staying inside my shell.


Having leapt into this embarrassing moment,

まだ此処には たぶん いるみたい?

it looks like I'm probably still here?

走らないで 怯えないで 転げそうな

Without running, without getting frightened, about to tumble,

病みに酔い痴れて やっと立ち上がろ

I'm carried away by illness and finally recover.

ワニになって 朱鷺になって

I become a crocodile, I become a crested ibis,

蟹になって 灰になってさ

I become a crab, I become ash.

完璧が つまらぬようにさ

Like perfect's boring.

くだらない と放って とばした

This is foolish, I let out without reservation.

心に良かったのか なんて僕も思わないけど

In my heart, I don't wonder if it was good or not.


But under the fireworks that burst by giving it shape,

答え合せをして ゆっくり手を振ろう

let's check our answers and wave our hands slowly.

挨拶だけで いいから

Just a hello is fine.

確かめもしないで 眺めたりしないで

So don't try to confirm, don't stare at me or anything.


I want to move forward, you see.

予想も届かない 言葉にかまわない

I don't meet expectations, I don't care about words.

上っ面に揺さぶられたくないから ただ

I don't want to be swayed by appearances. It's just...


Having leapt into this embarrassing moment,

まだ此処には たぶん いるみたい?

it looks like I'm probably still here?

走らないで 怯えないで 転げそうな

Without running, without getting frightened, about to tumble,

病みに酔い痴れて やっと立ち上がろ

I'm carried away by illness and finally recover.

ワニになって 朱鷺になって

I become a crocodile, I become a crested ibis,

蟹になって 灰になってさ

I become a crab, I become ash.

完璧が つまらぬようにさ

Like perfect's boring.

薄暗い夏よ、どうか この目に寄りかかる

Oh gloomy summer, please take away the weakness leaning on my eyes.

弱さ奪ってよ 少しだけ 浅はかな体温には

A will that won't disappear is taking shelter


in just a little shallow body temperature.


Having leapt into this embarrassing night,

まだ此処には たぶん いるみたい?

it looks like I'm probably still here?

走らないで 怯えないで 転げそうな

Without running, without getting frightened, about to tumble,

闇に酔い痴れて やっと立ち上がろ

I get intoxicated in the darkness and finally recover.

ワニになって 朱鷺になって

I become a crocodile, I become a crested ibis,

蟹になって 粉になってさ

I become a crab, I become dust.

いつの日か忘れてしまうのさ ラララ~

I will forget this one day, you see.

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