Translation of the song 雲丹と栗 artist ACANE (ZUTOMAYO)



English translation

Sea Urchins and Chestnuts

赤血球みたいな 白玉半分が欠けた

Shiratama with a piece missing resembles a red cell [1]

十五夜お月様 丸まってみたって 僕は見てもらえないの

The full moon at night is so round, won't you let me see it?

近づけば近づくほど 当たり前が当たり前に変わる魔法

A spell that naturally changes the closer you get

君との距離を保つため 守るために僕は戦うんだ

I'm fighting to preserve the distance between us

楽しいほど 魔の攻撃が押し寄せたら

So much that it's fun, if evil forces overwhelm me


I'll eat it for you

傷つけっぱなし 気づけない時もある

Sometimes we hurt others without realizing


If you forgot something I'll go bring it to you


When I went out to meet the dead of night, modestly and healthy


I felt a sensation like endless time

雲丹と栗 柿と梨 たけのこご飯

Sea urchins and chestnuts, persimmons and pears, rice with bamboo shoots [1]


You don't need to mix them around you to the point of fascination

雲丹と栗 雨宿り 香ばしい木の実

Sea urchins and chestnuts, shelter from the rain, fragrant nuts [1]


It's fine to speak awkwardly

うにぐり おにぎり うにぐり

Uniguri... Onigiri... Uniguri... [1]

いくらバッテンにされても そもそも目に止まらなくても

No matter how many points I lose [2], even if no one pays attention

僕は僕を全うすることに 懲りないくらいでいいと

Particularly for accomplishing myself, it's fine if I don't learn my lesson

ヒントを置いてっては消えた 微かな温もりで生かされてた

I put down a hint and it disappeared, it was being kept alive under a faint warmth

願っては届かなくても ただ願ってた

Even if my wishes don't come true I'll keep wishing

正しいほど 魔の攻撃が押し寄せたら

So much that it's right, if evil forces overwhelm me


I'll carry it all in my arms

傷つけっぱなし 気づけない時もある

Sometimes we hurt others without realizing


If you forgot something I'll go bring it to you


When I went out to meet the dead of night, modestly and healthy


I felt a sensation like endless time

雲丹と栗 柿と梨 たけのこご飯

Sea urchins and chestnuts, persimmons and pears, rice with bamboo shoot


You don't need to mix them around you to the point of fascination

雲丹と栗 雨宿り 香ばしい木の実

Sea urchins and chestnuts, shelter from the rain, fragrant nuts


I like the comfortable chilly wind

ひとりぼっちと1匹で 何かが変えられるかな

Just me and a pet [3], I wonder what we can change


There are separate moments when we realize

行けるところまで 真夜中を散歩してさ

Strolling at midnight to wherever I can go

時間が僕らを 何者でも無くしてくれる

Time forgets us whoever we are

雲丹と栗 柿と梨 たけのこご飯

Sea urchins and chestnuts, persimmons and pears, rice with bamboo shoots


It's fine to forget the necessity to conform

雲丹と栗 雨宿り 香ばしい木の実

Sea urchins and chestnuts, shelter from the rain, fragrant nuts


I like it when you talk awkwardly

うにぐり おにぎり うにぐり

Uniguri... Onigiri... Uniguri...

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