Translation of the song Stemme artist The Minds of 99
Lær at tælle fra 1 til 10, ja
Learn to count from 1 to 10, yeah
Med din stemme
With your voice
Folk fortæller, den er spejl af din sjæl indeni
People say it's a mirror of your soul within
Fra mund til bål antænde
From mouth to igniting a fire
Lad den vandre over mark, over eng, over land
Let it wander over field, over meadow, over land
Mod et nyt i morgen
Towards a new tomorrow
Alt, hva' du tænker på
Everything you think about
Alt, hva' du vil opnå
Everything you want to achieve
Det kommer en dag, det rammer en dag
It'll come some day, it'll strike some day
La' dem nu få (Åhh ja, åhh jo)
Just let them have (Ohh yes, ohh yeah)
Din stemme
Your voice
La' den nu gå fra mund til bål antænde
Just let them go from mouth to igniting a fire
La' dem nu få (Åhh yes, åhh jo)
Just let them have (Ohh yes, ohh yeah)
Din stemme
Your voice
Din stemme (x4)
Your voice (x4)
Lær at skеlne: Hvem er du? Hvеm er de? Hvem er hvem?
Learn to distinguish: Who are you? Who are they? Who is who?
En pil fra mund, der flyver
An arrow from flying mouth
Du er min øjesten
You're the apple of my eye
Vis, du’ en øjesten
Show me that you're an apple of the eye
Du findes i dag, du rammer i dag!
You exist today, you'll strike today!
La' dem nu få (Åhh ja, åhh jo)
Just let them have (Ohh yes, ohh yeah)
Din stemme
Your voice
La' den nu gå fra mund til bål antænde
Just let them go from mouth to igniting a fire
La' dem nu få (Åhh yes, åhh jo)
Just let them have (Ohh yes, ohh yeah)
Din stemme
Your voice
Lad den nu gå fra mund til bål antænde
Just let them go from mouth to igniting a fire
Alting er smart
Everything's smart
Men alle er boring
But everyone's boring
Du lyser klart
You shine brightly
Du’ aldrig standard, nej
You're never standard, no
Du letter snart
You'll take off soon
Du er alarmen
You're the alarm
Du’ sat i verden
You've been put in this world
Kom ind i varmen
Get inside where it's warm
Din stemme
Your voice
Den vejer så tungt, ja
It weighs so much, yeah
Den rammer min bund
It's hitting my bottom
Din stemme
Your voice
Den taler sin sag, ja
It argues for itself, yeah
Så slapper jeg af
Then I can relax
Din stemme
Your voice
Den vejer så tungt, ja
It weighs so much, yeah
Den rammer min bund
It's hitting my bottom
Din stemme
Your voice
Den taler din sag, ja
It argues for you, yeah
Så slapper jeg af
Then I can relax
Din stemme (x4)
Your voice (x4)