Translation of the song ザ・ワールド・イズ・マイン artist BURNOUT SYNDROMES



English translation

The World Is Mine




So goes the sound of the time bomb




It tells of the day when the world will end

坊や 少し傍においで おばあちゃんとお話をしよう

My boy, why don't you come here, sit by Granny's side, and let's talk for a bit

あたしにはもうお迎えが来るから 坊やだけに本当の話をしよう

I'm going to get picked up quite soon, and you're the only one whom I can tell the full, true story

この世界の全ては 君の為に作られたのだ

This world and everything in it has been created for your sake

空も海も鳥も木々も 勿論あたしも いじめっこのあの子も

The sky, the sea, the birds, the trees, and of course, myself too - even that kid who's such a bully


The world...

それは君が見ている夢 君がヒーローになる映画

It's all just a dream that you're seeing - a movie in which you become the hero

どんな怪獣にも この呪文を唱えて そして立ち向かっていけ

No matter what kind of monster comes your way, you can cast this spell - confront it and go


The World Is Mine

何となくは分かったかい? それじゃあ次は目を閉じてみて

Have you got all that? Okay then, next try closing your eyes

呼吸も止めて そう 耳を澄ませば

Hold your breath - yes, just like that - and listen closely



音がする だろう?

There's a sound like that, isn't there?

君の中に埋まる時限爆弾は いつか爆ぜる日が来るけれど

Buried inside of you is a time bomb, and the day will come when it will go off

君を殺すその日までは 君のエンジンで それを生命と呼ぶのよ

And until that day when it kills you, it will be your engine - that's what we call life


The world...

それは君が見ている夢 矛盾だらけのドキュメンタリー

It's all a dream that you're seeing - a documentary filled with contradictions

答えは無い 意味も無い でもそれが「自由」だろう

Even if there are no answers and no meaning, that's what makes it free

あたしはそう思うんだ 人生は無限

At least, that's what I think - life is infinite


The World Is Mine


The world...

それは君が見ている夢 君がヒーローになる映画

It's all just a dream that you're seeing - a movie in which you become the hero

どんな怪獣にも この呪文を唱えて そして立ち向かっていけ

No matter what kind of monster comes your way, you can cast this spell - confront it and go


The World Is Mine


The World Is Mine


The World Is Mine


The World Is Mine

ぽつりぽつりぽつりぽつぽつり 雨 話し終えると間もなく

Drip, drip, drip, drippity-drip went the rain, shortly after they finished talking

愛しい夢から醒めたような笑みで 老婆は息を引き取った

With a smile as if she had awakened from a wonderful dream, the old woman drew her last breath

あの光の消えた眼差しが 少年を今でも突き動かす

Her final gaze from which light had withdrawn still drives the boy to this day

チクタクチクタク あの瞬間から音がする

Tick-tock-tick-tock - since that moment, such a sound can be heard

チクタクチクタク 時限爆弾の音がしている

Tick-tock-tick-tock - so goes the sound of the time bomb

チクタクチクタク 世界が終わる日を伝えている

Tick-tock-tick-tock - it tells of the day when the world will end

チクタクチクタク 時限爆弾の音がしている

Tick-tock-tick-tock - so goes the sound of the time bomb

チクタクチクタク 世界が終わる日を伝えている

Tick-tock-tick-tock - it tells of the day when the world will end

チクタクチクタク 時限爆弾の音がしている

Tick-tock-tick-tock - so goes the sound of the time bomb

チクタクチクタク 世界が終わる日を伝えている

Tick-tock-tick-tock - it tells of the day when the world will end




So goes the sound of the time bomb




It tells of the day when the world will end

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