Translation of the song lifestar vista artist Amazarashi
lifestar vista
lifestar vista
「僕が生きていることに 多分意味なんて無いんだよ」
There's probably no meaning in that I'm alive.
これは悲観じゃなく 僕なりの 悩んだ末生まれた人生観
This isn't pessimism, it's my own kind of lifestance born of worrying.
抱えた荷物が重すぎて 自分自身に期待しすぎて
The baggage I've been bearing is too heavy, I had expected too much for myself,
息苦しいときにつぶやく 逃げ口上かもしれないけど
I whisper in times it hurts to breathe, even though it might just be an excuse.
逃げ出したっていいんだよ 全部捨てたって構わないよ
It's okay to run away. I don't mind if you throw everything out.
それをできない君は正しくて それをしない君は強いんだ
The you who can't do that is right. The you who doesn't do that is strong.
失敗だなんて思わないで 悲しみの一つ一つも
Don't think that it's a failure. Because each and every sadness
forms the path towards the place you seek.
何千回だって 間違って 僕ら進もう
However many thousand times we err, we press on.
確かな景色が見たいから それだけで
Because we want to see a questionless scenery, that's all.
明日 僕ら 消えて無くなってもね
Tomorrow, even if we disappear into nothing,
残る足跡は 誇れる宝物 そうだよ
the footsteps we'll leave behind will be treasures we can be proud of. That's right.
信じた物を笑われて それでも胸を張れるんだよ
Even if the things you believe in are laughed at, you can stick your chest out
必死に生きるのは 得てして 不様なものだって知ってるから
because I know that living desperately is often an unsightly thing.
どこかに光が射せば どこかに影は落ちるもので
If light shines somewhere, that means a shadow falls elsewhere,
惑わされないで信じてよ 君が決して諦めないわけを
so don't be led astray and believe in the reason you definitely cannot give up.
夜の隅っこで怯えて 空を見上げるのも忘れてた
Frightened in a corner at night, I even forgot to look up at the sky.
こんなに綺麗な星空が 僕の上でずっと輝いてた
Such a beautiful starry sky had always been shining above me.
うつむかずに 生きるから これからは綺麗なものだけ
Because I live without hanging my head, from now on it'll only be beautiful things
大切に集めて行こう ねぇ
that I will collect carefully. You know?
何千回だって 迷ったって 笑顔探すよ
However many thousand times we lose our way, we search for smiles.
涙の数より出来るだけ たくさんの
As many as we can find, more than the count of our tears. Many of them.
明日 僕ら消えてなくなるとして
Tomorrow, even as we disappear into nothing,
その時守るべき物は そう多くはない きっとね
at that time, the things we must protect will not be so numerous. I'm sure of it.
「君が生きている事に 多分意味なんてないんだよ」
There's probably no meaning in that you're alive.
これは 身動き取れない君に 今 必要な人生観
This is the lifestance the you who can't move an inch needs right now.
抱えた荷物を下ろしなよ そんなに自分を責めないでよ
Let down the baggage you've been carrying, don't blame yourself so much.
少し休んだら また 出かけよう ねぇ
Rest a little, and you can go out again. Okay?
何千回だって 何万回だって
However many thousand times, however many million times,
立ち向かう力 誰もが持っていて
everyone has the strength to face things.
疑う事で なくしてしまう位なら
If we are to lose that by doubting,
僕は信じるよ 傷つく事だって 怖くない
then I'll believe. I won't even be scared of being hurt.