Translation of the song あんたへ artist Amazarashi
To you
はやく 涙拭けよ 笑い飛ばそう 僕らの過去
Wipe your tears, and let's laugh away our pasts
行くあても帰る場所もないから 頭の中に僕の居場所を作った
I had nowhere to go or go back, so I made a place for me in my mind
But when I realized my father, my mother, and my lover smiling there
are no more than imaginations, I was bewildered
くだらねぇや と強がって壊した そしたら 意味もなく涙が溢れた
I felt it was trashy, and destroyed it. Then somehow I burst out crying
My tears were colored like water in a drain channel
that was polluted with discharged industrial effluent
何があんたの幸せとか 正解と不正解の境界線だとか
What your happiness is, and what divides your rightness and wrongness
結局決めるのはあんた自身で 自分で自分の首を絞める事はないよ
You're the one who decides them, so you don't have to choke yourself
駄目な自分を愛するために まず必要なのは自分を許してやる事
If you want to love hopeless self, you have to forgive yourself at first
必死に生きるのは得てして無様だから 人に笑われても気にすんな
It is usually awkward to live tying to do your best, so never mind if you are laughed at
明日は どうなるんだ 答えてみろよ神様
What happens to me tomorrow? Answer, Lord
はやく 涙拭けよ 笑い飛ばそう 僕らの過去
Wipe your tears, and let's laugh away our pasts
そうだろう 今辛いのは 戦ってるから 逃げないから
The reason you are suffering is you're struggling, and you're not running away, isn't it?
そんな あんたを 責めることができる奴なんてどこにも いないんだぜ
If so, nobody in this world has the right to blame you
I didn't feel like doing anything today,
so I spend whole day watching TV
However, since the time I suddenly began to think What happy guys they are.
I couldn't laugh at all
眠れない夜のもてあました時間は 今日までの人生の反省会
The unmanageable time at a wakeful night is the time to review my life
頭を掻き毟って転げた 日々だって無駄にはならねぇよ
I couldn't do anything other rending my hair. But such days are not meaningless
未来は 僕自身が 切り開いてみせるよ神様
I will carve out my future by myself, Lord.
はやく 涙拭けよ 笑い飛ばそう 僕らの過去
Wipe your tears, and let's laugh away our pasts
そうだろう 今辛いのは 戦ってるから 逃げないから
The reason you're suffering is you're struggling, and you're not running away, isn't it?
そんな あんたを 責めることができる奴なんてどこにも いないんだぜ
If so, nobody in this world has the right to blame you
あんたらしい 人生ってのは あんたらしい失敗の積み重ね
The life you can call yours, is the collection of your mistakes
一つ一つ 積み上げては 僕等積み木で遊ぶ子供みたい
We pile up one by one, like a child playing with blocks
あんたらしく 転べばいい あんたらしく立ち上がればいい
So slip in the way you like, and stand up in the way you like
他に何もいらねぇよ 他に何もいらねぇよ
Nothing else is necessary, nothing else is necessary
はやく 涙拭けよ 笑い飛ばそう 僕らの過去
Wipe your tears, and let's laugh away our pasts
そうだろう 今辛いのは 戦ってるから 逃げないから
The reason you're suffering is you're struggling, and you're not running away, isn't it?
そんな あんたを 責めることができる奴なんてどこにも いないんだぜ
If so, nobody in this world has the right to blame you