Translation of the song この街で生きている artist Amazarashi



English translation

Living in This City

空白みたいな 何もない空を ずっと眺めていたら

After spending a lifetime staring at a sky so empty that it’s practically blank space,

全部がもうどうでも いいやって思えて来るんだよ ちっぽけな悩みも

Everything eventually ceased to matter, especially my insignificant worries;

僕が生まれた 僕が生きてる 街の空

The sky of the city in which I was born… and live…

悩み出したら きりがないこと よく知っているけど

If I were to say the things I’m worried about, there’d be no end, and I know that;

くだらない事 考えてへこんでも 明日笑えればいい

If I’ve depressed myself by thinking of pointless things, I only need to smile when tomorrow comes.

そんな風に ゆっくり歩く 帰り道

These are my feelings as I walk slowly down the path home.

争ったり いがみ合ったり 日々のとがった部分も

Even if I quarrel and fuss with the pointy edges of my daily life,

飲み込んだ街で 嘆いても 笑っても 見上げるこの空には

This city has drank of it all deeply; no matter whether I laugh or cry, up in the sky above…

いつでも紅い夕焼け 戸惑う未来教えて

The consistently red sunset tells me that the future is uncertain.

歩きなれた街で 僕ら迷子みたいに

In this city, through which we’ve grown so accustomed to walking, we wander like children,

明日の道しるべ 探してる

Looking for a guide to tomorrow.

この先後どれ位 信じてゆけるのかな

I wonder how much longer I can go on believing from here on out;

ふいに止んだ風に 不安になったりして

I become uneasy whenever the wind suddenly stops.


I’m living in this city.

夜り帳に 最終のJR 君を連れて消えた

Under the curtain of night, the last JR train whisked you away.

逃げ道じゃない 感傷でもないんだよ 僕らの思い出は

Our feelings weren’t just us running away, or being sympathetic;

何があっても 僕は味方だ 友達よ

No matter what happens… I’m your ally… your friend.

迷ったり 嫌になったり 先の見えない闇も

Any of the darkness that lies ahead, like becoming lost or learning to hate everything,

切り裂いた君に 一つでも 叶わない 願いなんてあるものか

You’ve shredded to pieces. Is there a single thing you could still wish for?

あの時紅い夕焼け 戸惑う未来託して

The red sunset back then entrusted us with an uncertain future.

誓った夢 理想も 今じゃガラクタみたいに

The dreams we swore to, as well as our ideals, are nothing more than junk now,

時の流れに 錆付いて

As they rust within the flow of time.

それでも 信じたいよ 何にも終わってないよ

Even so, I still want to believe that nothing has come to an end;

知らん顔で過ぎてく 日々に 強がったりして

I pretend that I’m unconcerned and grow stronger with the passing days.


I’m living in this city.

春夏秋冬 変わっていく街の景色 その中で 抗ってる 君も 僕も

Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. The scenery of the city changes, and there’s you and I struggling within it.

希望 誹謗 理想 自嘲 戦ってる相手は 疑う心だ つまり自分だ

There’s hope, slander, ideals, and self-derision… and battling with them are our suspecting hearts… our selves.

いつもの紅い夕焼け 旅立つ君の影が

Within the consistently red sunset, the shadows of you setting off on a journey,

歩きなれた街で 細長く横たわって

Lay themselves long and narrow down the streets you’ve grown accustomed to walking;

明日の道しるべ みたいに伸びる

They stretch as if drawing a guide to tomorrow.

この先後どれ位 悩んで歩くのかな

I wonder how much longer I’ll walk on, worrying, from here on out.

それでいいや 僕らは 希望も苦悩も抱えて

But I’m okay with that… I’ll take hold of both hope and suffering.


I’m living in this city.


I’ll go on living here… from here on out.

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