Translation of the song そういう人になりたいぜ artist Amazarashi
I want to become someone like that.
I'm not all that great of a person, so
君が嫌になってしまうのも しょうがないと思ってるよ
I do think it can't be helped that even you would grow sick of me.
きっと 人にとって大事なものなんてさ
I'm sure that for people, we can only have
一人に一個だろ それが君だとは言い切れない僕さ
one thing for us each that's precious. I couldn't say it clearly that for me, that was you.
そんな歌を歌ってしまう僕を見ても 君は笑ってるぜ
Even while watching me, who's singing that kind of song, you're laughing.
That's right, I came to like that smile.
嘘つき 泥棒 人殺し ねぇ神様 僕の神様は そうだ君の笑顔なんだ
Liars, thieves, murderers-- hey God, my god is, that's right. It's your smile.
涙こらえて立ちつくす 人の背中をそっと押してやる
Standing upright, holding back your tears. Giving people's backs a soft push.
どんな時だって優しい顔 そういう人になりたいぜ
No matter what, you're with a kind face. I want to become someone like that.
「めんどくせぇな」って頭掻いて 人のために汗をかいている
That's bothersome, I say and scratch my head. You're sweating for someone else's sake.
そんで「何でもねぇよ」って笑う そういう人になりたいぜ
And then you say It's nothing and laugh. I want to become someone like that.
They say that if you pile up your warm treasures,
幸せになれると 僕はそうずっと信じてきたけど
you'll find happiness. I've always believed that, but
結局僕はいつまでも 馬鹿野郎 僕の幸せは 君の幸せではないんだ
in the end, I'm always such a fucking idiot-- my happiness isn't yours.
自分らしさ見失わず 人の事もちゃんと思いやる
Without losing sight of your sense of self, you consider others like one should.
人前で泣き言は言わないぜ そういう人になりたいぜ
You don't complain in front of others. I want to become someone like that.
当たり前に心から笑えて 当たり前に日々を駆け抜けて
Like it's so obvious, you can laugh from the heart. Like it's so obvious, you run past each day.
当たり前に疲れて眠ってる そういう人になりたいぜ
Like it's so obvious, when you're tired you sleep. I want to become someone like that.
そういう君が好きだから そういう君が好きだから
Because I like you because you're like that. Because I like you because you're like that.
Even if you go crazy, there's a guy waiting for you.
Even if you lose your home, there's a place for you to come back to.
It's fine even if I have to end the world to protect you.
It's fine even if I freeze to death there.
夕焼け空が悲しいな 世界が終わりそうな色だから
The sunset sky looks sad, because it's a color that looks like the world is ending.
洗濯物は放っておこう 世界は明日も続くけれど
Let's leave the laundry for another time, even though the world will go on tomorrow.
さよならでも涙見せず いつもと変わらない その笑顔
Without showing tears even for goodbyes, that smile is the same as usual.
自分の事より人の心配 そういう人になりたいぜ
Rather than yourself, worrying about others. I want to become someone like that.
You need to keep up with your part-time, okay? Have you decided on a new place yet?
君は君の思う道を進んでね そういう君が好きだから」
You keep going on the path you've chosen. Because I like you because you're like that.
そういう人になりたいぜ そういう人になりたいぜ
I want to become someone like that. I want to become someone like that.