Translation of the song アイスクリーム artist Amazarashi



English translation

Ice Cream


The station lift is all too materialistic (for me)

この六月のとある一日ですら とても唯物的に思えて

Even one day this June seems too materialistic

だから僕は 僕の情緒と秘密を交わし合う

But I'm communicating with my feelings and secrets

改札を抜けると 少し夏の匂いがして

As I go through the ticket gate, I smell a little bit of summer


Various people smile at their greatest common denominator

その重量が 個人的な空白と釣り合わず

The weight is out of proportion with the personal space

僕は 僕の情緒と秘密を交わし合う

I'm communicating with my feelings and secrets

虚しい 寂しい と言ったら終わり

When I say I'm empty and lonely, it's the end

虚しい 寂しい と言ったら終わり

When I say I'm empty and lonely, it's the end

虚しい 寂しい と言ったら終わり

When I say I'm empty and lonely, it's the end

虚しい 寂しい

Empty and lonely1

石畳の歩道が 日照りでとても熱そうだから

Though the cobbled path seems so very hot with drought

今年の六月は ここに捨てていこうと

I should leave this place behind this June,--


I see the ice cream shop sign


--I thought

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