Translation of the song ハルルソラ artist Amazarashi
Endless Blue Sky
正午の陽射しが乾かしてしまった 昨日までの雨 昨日までの苦悩
The sun at high noon melted everything away, from yesterday’s rain and from yesterday’s pain.
週末は彼女が遊びに来るから ものぐさな僕も部屋を掃除する
I’m going out with my girlfriend this Saturday, so even this lazy slob will take a sponge to every stain.
この町の嘘が 車の追い風に吹かれて転がる 歩道に落ち葉の千切り絵
The leaves on the street picked up and scattered by the wind as cars pass float down and spell out the truth of this town.
何もない事が幸せだと思うよ 僕らを悩ませる面倒くさい事が
I think that what would make us the happiest is if all the worries we’re burdened with turn out to be nothing.
ほら 子供達が笑って 走る道に季節のハレーション
See the season’s halation in the children laughing and running down the street.
面影 思い出 綯い交ぜの写し絵
A shadowgraph made from a bundle of faces and memories.
変わらないものが 変わらなければいい
I don’t mind if all these unchanging things never change for all time.
晴るる空 ルララ 僕らが歌歌えば
Endless blue sky. La la la, we’ll all sing this very song today.
描き直すには大きすぎる 青空が今日も綺麗です
This vast and unspeakably blue sky today is nothing short of beautiful.
休日の工事現場 でかい建物にカラスも留まれば 夕日も留まる
If at a construction site on the workers’ day off, should glass hang from the tall building, twilight will stay a while too.
生活の為には背に腹変えられず 安らぎを売るには それは安すぎる
For the sake of our livelihood, we have to give up something. And if I sold security, I’m sure I’d get exactly nothing.
ほら 風が森を駆け抜け ざわめく声が嘆きかは知らぬが
Hear the wind as it slips through the forest. I don’t know if the voice within is crying in misery or not.
But I felt bad for listening, so I turned my ears away.
変わらないものを 変えるのは難しい
Changing that which can’t be changed isn’t very easy, after all.
晴るる空 ルララ 僕らが歌歌えば
Endless blue sky. La la la, we’ll all sing this very song today.
描き直すには大きすぎる 青空が今日も綺麗です
This vast and unspeakably blue sky today is nothing short of beautiful.
風の吹く先に何もないよ 陽が沈む先に何もないよ
There is nothing for us where the wind blows. There is nothing for us where the sun sets.
僕らが望む答えは きっと無いよ
The answers we’ve longed for will never ever come.
ただ世界がそこにあるだけ 初めからそこにあるだけ
There you will only find the world we live in. And that is the only thing we were ever meant to.
晴るる空 ルララ 僕らが歌歌えば
Endless blue sky. La la la, we’ll all sing this very song today.
描き直すには大きすぎる 空が綺麗です
This vast and uncapturable sky today is nothing short of beautiful.
晴るる空 ルララ 僕らが歌歌えば
Endless blue sky. La la la, I’ll sing this very song.
描き直すには大きすぎる 青空が今日も綺麗です
This vast and unspeakably blue sky today is nothing short of beautiful.