Translation of the song ヨクト artist Amazarashi
ヨクトはとうとう気が触れたみたいだ 神経症的な陽光の断絶
The yocto tells me we’ve all lost our senses. Scorched by the sunlight fueled by neurosis.
ポリ袋の夜明けは半ば難破船 社会生活の規律に座礁する
A plastic bag filters the dawn as it covers half a shipwreck. Order drives our social lives right into the deck.
陰口 ため口 鬱憤の捌け口 派遣 日払い 夢 労働 労働
Gossip, frankness, the outlets for our anger. The temps’ wages are their dreams and twice the labor.
プライドも希望もガラ袋につめた ゴミを漁るカラスが夕日に飛んだ
We stuffed our hopes and pride deep into the gunny sack. The scavenging crows fly off into the sunset.
The days trapping us are a swamp of sludge and muck.
片足突っ込んで もう全部諦めた
And when one of our legs gets stuck, we feel like giving it all up.
夢は必ず叶うから って夢を叶えた人達が
Those who were able to make it so that each and every dream could come true,
臆面もなく歌うから 僕らの居場所はなくなった
They sang without an ounce of shame in their hearts, and we lost the only place to go home to.
ヨクトは散々失った 人としての最小単位だ
To those who’ve lost all they had left to lose, the yocto’s the smallest thing they can understand.
カビ臭い部屋に寝転んで 世界が終わるのを夢想する
Lazing around inside a moldy room, they imagine the time when the world comes to an end.
「用がないならもう電話はしないで」 昔付き合ってたあの娘は言う
“If you don’t need anything, then please stop calling me.” So says the girl who I used to go out with.
僕にはすがるもの幾つあるだろう 空しくなるから考えるの止めた
I’ve got a few things that I keep on clinging to. I’ve got nothing left so my brain just up and quit.
It hurts every single time that I cry.
最後に泣いたのは もういつの事だっけ
I wonder when I’ll cry for the very last time.
誰が一番幸せか 比べ出したらもう末期だ
Who among us is the happiest? The moment you compare, it’s much too late.
簡単に人を笑うなら 嘲笑はどうせ順繰りだ
It’s so easy to laugh at someone else, we’ll take turns loading on jeers and hate.
ヨクトは散々失った 人としての最小単位だ
To those who’ve lost all they had left to lose, the yocto’s the smallest thing they can understand.
カビ臭い部屋に寝転んで 世界が終わるのを夢想する
Lazing around inside a moldy room, they imagine the time when the world comes to an end.
ポケット地図 就業証明書 電気水道ガス請求書
A pocket map and work credentials. Gas, water, and electric bills.
時給 レシート 冷凍倉庫 愚痴 悪口 クズのショウウィンドウ
Wages, receipts, and a freezing storeroom. Gripes and insults, like trash in the window.
未開封包丁 2ちゃんに投稿 薄い壁の向こう側の幻聴
A kitchen knife sealed. On 2chan, reply all. Bumps in the night on the other side of the wall.
孤独の焦燥 やばいよどうしよう 教えてここから抜け出す方法
Loneliness spurs tension. Oh god, what should I do? Somebody tell me how to get out of here.
How do I get out of here?
I don’t want to die here!
僕らが道を選ぶなら 答え合わせなんてないから
Even if we all choose the paths we walk, that doesn’t mean we know if chose well or poor.
誰かのせいにするのなら その誰かに生かされてるんだ
And if the blame should fall on someone’s head, that means they’ll have something to live for.
ヨクトは散々失った 人としての最小単位だ
To those who’ve lost all they had left to lose, the yocto’s the smallest thing they can understand.
どうせいつかは終わるなら せめて自分で選んだ終わり方
And should everything come to an end someday, at least let me choose where I’ll make my final stand.