Translation of the song ロングホープ・フィリア artist Amazarashi



English translation

Long hope philia

歩くほどに靴底が汚れてく そんな風に

The more you walk, the more the soles of your shoes are dirtied. In that same way,


the more our souls are worn down, the more they darken.

そんな時に思い出して 君が諦められない理由を

At those times, I remember the reason you can't give up.

救ったはずが救われたっけ 握ったつもりが握られた手

That it was supposed to be you saving, but you were saved. That you had meant to be the one gripping, but it was your hand gripped instead.

遍く旅路に光あれ 強さや弱さでは語れないぜ

Let there be bountiful light on our journey. We won't talk in terms of strength and weakness.

立ち向かうその一歩ずつが 君の勇敢さの勝利だった

Each and every step you take facing forward is a victory for your bravery.

叫ぶ為に息を吸うように 高く飛ぶ為に助走があって

Just like you draw a breath before shouting, you need a running jump to fly high.

笑う為に僕らはないた それを敗北とは言わない ロングホープ・フィリア

We cried so that we could laugh, and I won't say that's failure. Long hope philia.


As time passes, things change.


Townscapes and friends too.

大抵は離れて分かる 寄る辺なさは瞭然たる感傷

You'll usually understand if you take a step back. That we've no one to turn to is an obvious thing to feel.

ましてや自分 僕は僕を離れられぬやましさを背負って

Much less myself. I carry the guilt of not being able to be apart from myself.

だから友よ見届けてくれ 変わったのじゃなく変えたのだ

So, friends, see it through for me. It's not that it changed, it's that we changed it.


Let there be bountiful light on our frustrations. There's no meaning in success or failure.

最終話で笑った奴へ トロフィーとしてのハッピーエンド

To those that laughed in the final chapter, you can take your happy ending as your trophies.

願わなきゃ傷つかなかった 望まなきゃ失望もしなかった

You wouldn't have been hurt if you hadn't hoped. You wouldn't have been disappointed if you hadn't wished either.

それでも手を伸ばすからこその その傷跡を称え給え ロングホープ・フィリア

Even so, it's because you reach your hand out that your scars are so deserving of praise. Long hope philia.

諦めて疑って塞いで 期待外れって言われたっけ

Give up Doubt Shut up Did they say Disappointment too?

でも無くしたことが武器になった それがどん底に咲いた花 遠き友よ 今ではもう蒼い星座 少なからず僕ら生きてる

But the things we've lost have become weapons. They're flowers blooming at rock bottom. My friend far off, by now a blue constellation. In no small numbers, we're alive.


If it's our baggage, it's already plenty that we're alive.

遍く命に光あれ 生きる為に理由はいらないぜ

Let there be bountiful light on our lives. We don't need reasons to be alive.

うなだれても踏み留まった そこをスタートラインと呼ぶんだ

Even with our heads hung, we hold our ground. I call that place the starting line.

今日の君が笑ったことで 敗北も無駄にはならなかった 故に咲くどん底の花 友よ、末永い希望を

Because you laughed today, our losses weren't for nothing. It's why flowers thus bloom at rock bottom. My friend, make your enduring hopes


long hope philia.

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