Translation of the song 世界の解像度 artist Amazarashi



English translation

World Resolution

俯瞰で見れば 世の理のような色彩

From a top-down perspective, colors look like laws of the world.

当事者となり 凝視すれば粗悪な落書き

If you become the party of interest, staring makes it look like crude grafitti.

ありえないことが何度起こった 君が生きている間に

Impossible things have happened more times than I can count. All while you were alive.

その度目を伏せて 無かったことにした 今や忘れた

Each time, you cast your eyes down and pretended it didn't happen. Now, at last you've forgotten.

悲劇も喜劇も 同じ容量

Both tragedies and comedies have the same capacity.

数メガ単位のBGM 聞きながら 命からがら

While listening to BGM at several mega units, I'm clinging to life.

壊れた世界泣きついて やっぱ僕らにはなかった

Begging the broken world in tears, as expected we didn't have any of it.

人の才能も そんな世界の解像度

Human talent too was the resolution of a world like that.

今日も残酷の過密かき分け やるべきことに疲弊して

Today too, we pushed our way through the cruel overcrowding, exhausted from the things we must do.

残す生きていた証拠 合わせる世界の解像度

The resolution of the world matches the proof of our existence we leave behind.

君の視点 僕の視点 何が見える

Your point of view. My point of view. What do you see?

騙し騙され うんざりして耳を塞ぐのは

Deceiving and being deceived, when you get fed up and plug your ears

気持ちは分かる けどそのせいで僕ら生き別れ

I understand how you feel. But because of that we will part for life.

もう今更だよ 善か悪とか それより繋ぎ直すんだ

It's already too late now. Good and evil and such. More importantly, we have to reconnect them.

断線したライト 夜は明かりがいる 何はともあれ

Burnt out light. You need light at night, if nothing else.

外は嵐で 悲惨だけど君は

There's a storm outside, it's disastrous but you

無防備な滑走で 笑うから 抗うから

skate so defensively and laugh. You fight against it.

君は君だけの場所で 目を閉じないで見ていて

At that place only for you, don't close your eyes and look at it.

個々の視点、再縫合 新しい世界の解像度

Each and every point of view restitched together is the new resolution of the world.

いつかの欺瞞の成功にすがって 奴らが明日狙うのは

Clinging to the success of deceit once ago, what they've set their sights on tomorrow

どうせ過去の再放送 それが彼らの解像度

is just a rerun of the past anyway. That's their resolution.

今日の視点 過去の視点 何が見える

Today's point of view. The past's point of view. What do you see?

一瞬で日常は終わる 一生その虚しさ付きまとう

Our every day ends in just a moment. That emptiness will haunt you for life.

終わり恐れることから始めて だって僕ら忘れてしまうだろ

Start from fearing the end, because we will likely forget.

生と死を生きて 日々の喜びと音楽を傍らに

Live life and death with daily joys and music at your side.

宇宙の果てから君の細胞 繋ぐ直線に僕の骸

Your cells came from the edge of space, a line connecting directly to my corpse.

泣きながら手をとった もう終わったあなたの手

You took my hand while crying, your hand that was already no longer.

まだ終わらない僕の手 これから始まる君の手

My hand that hadn't ended yet is starting your hand from here on out.

壊れた世界泣きついて 頭いかれても歌うぜ

Begging the broken world in tears, even if I go crazy I'll sing.

思索の倍音と 響き合う世界の解像度

The overtone of speculation and the resolution of the world resounding together.

会いたかったと言いに来た 句点じゃなくここは読点

I came to say I wanted to see you, it's not a period here but a comma.

その痛みや悔恨も 繋げば世界の解像度

If you connect that pain and regret it forms the resolution of the world.

何が見える 何が見える 何が見える

What do you see? What do you see? What do you see?

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