Translation of the song 冬が来る前に artist Amazarashi
Before Winter Comes
冬が来る前に 夜半の波止場でビールを飲もう
Before winter comes, let's drink by the wharf in the dead of night.
星座の肩に腰掛けて 溜息も潮風も似たもんさ
Upon the seat of the stars, there's no difference between sighs and a sea breeze.
冬が来る前に 三保野公園で草滑りしよう
Before winter comes, let's roll down the hills in Mihono Park.
水飲み場の横の柱にさ これまでの失敗も掘り刻もう
Let's carve all of our failures into the pillar beside the water fountain.
冬が来る前に 忌々しいこの街を踏み鳴らそう
Before winter comes, let's stomp around this annoying city.
池袋駅前中央分離帯 ずっとそこで待っている
I'll always be waiting for you on the divider in front of Ikebukuro Station.
冬が来る前に 冬以外の四季を縫い合わそう
Before winter comes, let's sew together the rest of the seasons.
そいつをコートに仕立てて襟立てて 凍えて僕は待っている
He stands with the collar of his tailored coat up against the wind, and I'm waiting here freezing over.
二度と来ないものを待っている 二度と来ないものを待っている
Waiting for something that will never come again. Waiting for something that will never come again.
昨日が来るのを待っている ずっとそこで待っている
I'm waiting for tomorrow to come. I'll always be waiting.
Always waiting.
And ever.