Translation of the song 分岐 artist Amazarashi



English translation


今振り返ればあの時だ って今がその時なのかも知れない

I’m reminded of a time so long ago that matches today to the smallest detail.


Whichever path I choose at this junction, this crossroad, only the end will tell me if I’m right.

実りの季節の投資も 見通しの悪い小売業

You won’t know what you reap until you sow, and business is looking arid.

未納家賃で頭たれ舌打ち がんじがらめ のたうちまわり

I’m left writhing in chains, behind on rent and hiding from the landlord.

慢性的貧困に差した魔が 反社会的思想 明日は我身の

Just another poverty-stricken demon against society, and tomorrow,

四の五の言ってる間に 飛行する夜行列車 逃避行

Amidst all my grumbling, the midnight train departs and flies away.

星系から星系、星巡り 過ぎる景色、時間は日めくり

Stars beget stars, circling the sky like passing scenery to the rhythm of the calendar.

何を目指して 何を残して 何が大事で 何が不必要で

What am I looking for? What did I leave behind? What’s important? What’s expendable?

現実逃避も果ての果て 誰も追いつけない水際まで

Escapism marks the end of the end. No one can follow me to the water’s edge.

夢見心地、世俗との交差点 我に返る ここ、金貸し査定

Ecstasy meets the world at the intersection, comes to its senses, and is audited.

正しいと正しいの間 宙ぶらりんの魂の声を聞いた

I heard the voice of a soul lost in the limbo between what is right and what is proper.

西も東も悪手だ 右も左も暗い四面楚歌

I can’t trust the East or the West, and darkness has me surrounded on all sides.

それでも迫る 道を選ぶ 掴み取れば自身の死すら気高く

But there’s no fighting it. I choose my path. Even my death is sublime if I’m the cause of it.

脅されてるぞ銃器で 後になれば分かる今が分岐点

I can feel the gun held up to my head. If I’ll reach tomorrow, then now’s the deciding split.

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