Translation of the song 収束 artist Amazarashi
Then Cometh the End
The braying seabirds fly in the sky over the rubble.
コンクリート世紀は知恵の数式 今じゃ遠い日のヒエログリフ
The concrete jungle. The formula for wisdom. The hieroglyphs of an age long past.
かつての人の営み 腐食した建造物 侵食する植物の増殖 カンブリア爆発
The former workings of man. The structures succumbed to time. The prevalence of wilted plant life. The Cambrian explosion.
ハタネズミがサカナを喰らえば 猛禽類が噛り付いて空へ誘った
To eat of the fish and the field mouse, birds of prey sink their talons in and beckon them to the sky.
逆光の太陽が燃え盛る 生き死にの律動 亜熱帯雨林と化した ここ東北の北端にも
The blazing sun serves as backlight. Schroedinger’s rhythm. To the very tip of Tohoku, all becomes as a subtropical rainforest.
湧き水、岩から滲みて 陽が落ちては冷却の星空に聞き入り
From the boulder comes spring water. For the sun to fall is to be lost among the chilled stars at night.
平穏が訪れたのだと知る 奪うも奪われるもなく 等しく星の砂塵となりて
I know that a calm will surely visit. It takes not and is not taken from. The sandstorm that treats all on the planet as one.
唸り 遠吠え 求愛のさえずりや 威嚇のがなりとか 生命のオーケストラ
The sound of roaring and howling. Of the courtship of wild birds. Of boasting and beaten chests. The orchestra of life.
飲めや歌えや 騒げ愛おしいや 夜通しだ 呼応した鼓動しか物音しない ここ何億夜
Let us drink and sing. Let us love the noise that lasts through the night. Let our hearts beat as one so that we may be heard for billions of nights.
規律無しの無秩序と思いきや 命の思想は確かに存在した
Abandon all thoughts of unregulated chaos. The machinations of fate have been realized.
飲めや歌えや 騒げ愛おしいや 夜通しだ 呼応した鼓動しか物音しない ここ何億夜
Let us drink and sing. Let us love the noise that lasts through the night. Let our hearts beat as one so that we may be heard for billions of nights.
荒廃したとは人の言い様だ ここにはもう人類は居ないのだから
To the mind of the human, destruction is a time when humans no longer exist.