Translation of the song 夜の一部始終 artist Amazarashi
The Night and Its Everything
歴史が夜に作られる様に 明日への通行料金 未払い、眠る病人
As though history were made late in the night, the sick laid to rest having not paid the toll to the morning.
思索に煩悩 日付を通せんぼ 古い文庫本と思想のディベート
Meditation for the flesh. The calendar a barricade. A debate between old books and ideologies.
言葉にすれば意味が伸し掛る だからいっそ無言を決め込む孤独と
To put into words is to lean on their meaning, which is why I prefer the silence of my solitude.
慕情は夜に 憎しみも夜に 後悔も夜に 煩雑に作られて
Longing in the night. Hatred in the night. Regret in the night. Made of these intricacies.
おんなじように言葉も歌も 夜に作られて
And in the same way, both every word and every song, are made in the night.
日が昇るまでに 消されたりした気持ちもあって
With the rising of the sun, so too are so many of my feelings erased.
息を止めて 息を止めて
Hold your breath. Hold your breath.
眠れない夜に それなりの理由 希死念慮は慰留 夜の一部始終
Amidst the sleepless night, reason in and of itself. The will to die dissuaded. Night and its everything.
眠れない夜に 寺山の詩集 逃げるのも自由 夜の一部始終
Amidst the sleepless night, the poems of Terayama. The freedom to run away. Night and its everything.
眠れない夜に 言葉の無味無臭 人として未熟 夜の一部始終
Amidst the sleepless night, the bland taste of each word. The inexperience of man. Night and its everything.
眠れない夜に ぶり返したのは意趣 それはきっと杞憂 夜の一部始終
Amidst the sleepless night, malice makes its return. But that’s nothing but paranoia. Night and its everything.