Translation of the song 或る輝き artist Amazarashi
A Certain Radiance
粘着質な夜明け 底なし沼と星空の類似
The clinging dawn. The likeness between the bottomless marsh and the starry sky.
観測地点における寒波の去来 親不孝通りの吐瀉物の染み
At the observation site, recurring cold waves. Vomit and feces stain Ungrateful Child Ave.
捨て鉢なエンジン音の個人タクシー 残響と共に襟を立て、立ち去る季節
The struggling engine of a private taxi. Reverberations and popped collars. The seasons depart.
行くも行かざるも虚しいまま 湖面に不時着する落葉 断定的な微笑み
To stay, to leave, equally fruitless. Leaves crash land on a lake. An assertive smile.
網膜 拡散 悲しみ 悲しみ
Retina. Scatter. Sorrow. Sorrow.
(上昇と同時に墜落する肢体 住宅街の夕景のささくれ
(Bodies rise and fall in unison. In a residential area, the evening scene’s hangnail.
果たせぬ願い 明日への展望 来訪する季節
Wishes never granted. The view towards tomorrow. The seasons visit.
ついに出発しなかった旅路 あの日、あの時のあの子の微笑み
The journey never begun. The day, the time, the child’s smile.
後部座席に思い出、遺失物 悲しみ 悲しみ)
Backseat memories. Things lost. Sorrow. Sorrow.)
或る特定の期限における爆発的な命の輝き 瞬き
The radiance of an explosive life in a certain place and time. Twinkle.
疾走とはつまり燃え落ちる衛星の輝き 瞬き
To sprint, or the radiance of a satellite that alights before it falls. Twinkle.
肢体がバラバラになっても 痛みが炎と朽ち果てても
Though the whole body is broken. Though rotted from burning agony.
存在した 存在した 輝き
So it was. So it was. Radiant.
屈折したエゴが結ぶ実像 環状線、囚われの身の泊地の精神性
The real image stitched by twisted Ego. A belt line. At the berth of imprisoned body, spirituality.
体育倉庫の堅い地面に裂傷 深夜一時にこだまする執行猶予的な笑い声
In the hard floor of the gym’s storage room, a gouge. The laugh of one pardoned their death rings out at one in the morning.
潰れたガソリンスタンドに横付けされた侘しさ 利他的な憤怒
Alongside the fallen gas station, loneliness. The wrath of the altruist.
日々、暮れていく感性 相対的な幸福 省略された人間性
Day by day. Sensitivity fades away. Happiness is relative. Human nature abridged.
病巣 雑音 悲しみ 悲しみ
Focus. Noise. Sorrow. Sorrow.
(遮光カーテンに真夜中の染み 空白を埋める為の慣性運動
(The dead of night, a spot on the blackout curtain. Inertial movement to fill the space.
ぼたぼたと滲んでいく鼻血 遮断された生活の孤立
Nosebleed, falling in large drops that spread. The isolation of a life cut off.
はためく企業の旗と不良カラス 自覚のない自堕落
A flapping company flag and a depraved crow. Debauchery lacking self-awareness.
死んでいく感性 値札の付いた幸福 間接的存在否定
Sensitivity dies. On happiness, a price tag. The indirect denial of being.
虚言 悲しみ 悲しみ)
Lies. Sorrow. Sorrow)