Translation of the song 抒情死 artist Amazarashi
Lyrical Death
My identity is floating along the Tokyo Bay.
巡航する豪華客船のその波で 浮遊してる やがて沈む
On the waves made by an extravagant cruise ship, it floats in suspension and eventually sinks.
物珍しそうに 乗客は人だかり
Like they're curious, the passengers form a crowd.
助けるべきか? いや、あんな得体のしれないものには触れるな
Should we save it? No, don't touch such an enigmatic thing.
あれはなんだ? あれはなんだ? あれはなんだ? あれはなんだ?
What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that?
受諾と拒絶 拒絶 拒絶 手は組めないぜ ただじゃ死なないぜ
Acceptance and rejection, rejection, rejection. I can't cross my arms. I can't die so easily.
許可されて生きる 命ではないよ ああ私の私
This isn't a life that I was permitted to live. Ah, my me.
応答途絶 途絶 途絶 生きているなら声を聞かせて
Cessation of response. Cessation, cessation. If you're alive, let me hear your voice.
徐々に蝕まれる暮らしの抒情詩 ああ詠い続けて
My lyrical poem of life, being eaten away bit by bit. Ah, keep singing it.
何が善で何が悪か 白と黒分かり合えずいがみ合って
What's good and what's evil? White and black quarrel away without understanding each other.
Grey shoves its way in
お互いを認め合うべきだと 懐から取り出す
and says they must acknowledge each other. They look at the empathy
共感を見て いや、そんな危険かもしれないものには頼れるか
it takes out of its pocket. No, can we rely on something that could possibly be so dangerous?
それはなんだ? それはなんだ? それはなんだ? それはなんだ?
What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that?
受諾と拒絶 拒絶 拒絶 先生や医者 神様にでも
Acceptance and rejection, rejection, rejection. By teachers, doctors, and even God.
変えること出来ない形と中身 ああ私の私
Unchangeable shape and contents. Ah, my me.
応答途絶 途絶 途絶 生きているなら声を聞かせて
Cessation of response. Cessation, cessation. If you're alive, let me hear your voice.
徐々に蝕まれる暮らしの抒情詩 ああ詠い続けて
My lyrical poem of life, being eaten away bit by bit. Ah, keep singing it.
受諾と拒絶 拒絶 拒絶
Acceptance and rejection, rejection, rejection.
拒絶 拒絶 拒絶 拒絶
Rejection, rejection, rejection, rejection.
A hundred billion gossipings illegally dumped.
It's disposal by incineration, appearances and desires to be recognized too.
On the inside, we head towards a quiet place.
それなのに自分を無くせって 従えって 我慢しろって
Even so, they tell us to lose ourselves. To obey. To bear it.
強い風に吹き飛ばされて落ちた 東京湾
It's blown away by a strong wind and falls. Tokyo Bay.
形と中身 私の私
Shape and contents. My me.
受諾と拒絶 拒絶 拒絶 冷笑や脅し圧力にさえ
Acceptance and rejection, rejection, rejection. Even under the pressure of derision and threats,
歪めること出来ない形と中身 ああ私の私
my shape and contents, unable to bend. Ah, my me.
応答途絶 途絶 途絶 生き抜いたなら顔をみせてよ
Cessation of response. Cessation, cessation. If you've survived, show me your face.
徐々に蝕まれる暮らしの抒情詩 ああ詠い続けて
My lyrical poem of life, being eaten away bit by bit. Ah, keep singing it.