Translation of the song 数え歌 artist Amazarashi



English translation

Counting Song

一つ 人として真っ当に 人愛おしみ、人に失意

Number one. When we love each other properly, we make room for despondency.

瞳に灯を宿すあの人 失せしともしび 夢に等しい

That person with a light in their eyes is to me a candle extinguished like in a dream.

二つ 再び信ずるとて うだつあがらぬ詩にぶら下がり

Number two. Should hope bubble up again, a hopeless song waits just beyond the bend.

裏切られた事も恨まぬ 負担を分け合う二人なら

And if I can share the weight with another, I can look past even betrayal.

三つ ミミズ腫れの三日月 身を隠すとばり 見つからぬように

Number three. The welt-covered crescent moon covers up my body so that nobody can find me.

四つ 寄る辺ない夜にこそ 僕の名前を呼んでくれ

Number four. On a night with nowhere to go, would that someone might call my name.

一つ 二つ ただ悲しかった事 足し算したり 引き算したり

Number one. Number two. Just something unpleasant. You put a little in and take a little away.

三つ 四つ 嬉しかった事 足し引きゼロで眠りたい夜

Number three. Number four. Something pleasant. A good night’s sleep where everything stays the same.

五つ いつかの傷も痛む 理屈では癒えぬ感傷と

Number five. A forgotten wound pained me so, an ache in my heart from long ago.

後悔ですら慈しむ 去り行けば痛みすら愛おしい

I love even my regrets. Should this pain be rid of me, I know I’d love it too.

六つ 移ろう人も街も むつ市の海辺、過去が映る

Number six. The changing people and city, their pasts reflected in Port Angeles’ waters.

無痛でいられぬ人の世に ここだけは嵐もくつろぐ

A world where you can’t live without pain, only here can the storms relax.

七つ 懐かしいあの人の名は 夏のたもとに流れて泣いた

Number seven. For the name oh so familiar to me, buried in summer’s sleeve, my tears poured.

八つ 矢継ぎ早、急ぐ四季に 顔も忘れた母の呼び声

Number eight. As a barrage of seasons pass, I hear my mother’s voice but don’t know her face.

一つ 二つ 忘れてしまいたい事 足し算したり 引き算したり

Number one. Number two. Things that I wish I could forget. You put a little in and take a little away.

三つ 四つ 消すに消せない事 足し引きゼロで眠りたい

Number three. Number four. Things I can’t erase though I try. Just one good sleep where everything stays the same.

五つ 六つ どうしようもなかった事 悔やんでみたり 開き直ってみたり

Number five. Number six. Things that would never have changed. See what good it does you to worry and waste your effort.

七つ 八つ 溢れ出した思い出 全部持っては行けない 明日には

Number seven. Number eight. The memories flow forth. Try as you might, you can’t take them all with you to tomorrow.

九つ ここまでと、ここから 木漏れ日がコツコツ、ノックする部屋から

Number nine. Until now and from now on, the light filtered through the trees keeps beating against my door.

とうの昔に消し去ったつもり 遠ざかる昨日 とうとうさよなら

And I mean to go away after the tenth knock. Yesterday fades away. At long last I bid farewell.

一つ 二つ 離れたくなかった人 足し算したり 引き算したり

Number one. Number two. The people I wanted to stay with me. You put a little in and take a little away.

三つ 四つ 愛してくれた人 足し引きゼロで眠りたい

Number three. Number four. The people who made me feel wanted. Just one good sleep where everything stays the same.

五つ 六つ 信じきれなかった人 悔やんでみたり 開き直ってみたり

Number five. Number six. The people I wanted to keep trusting. See what good it does you to worry and waste your effort.

七つ 八つ とめどない思い出 全部持っては行けない 明日には

Number seven. Number eight. This wellspring of memories. Try as you might, you can’t take them all with you to tomorrow.

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