Translation of the song 星々の葬列 artist Amazarashi



English translation

Funeral Procession for the Stars

今でもよく思い出すんだ 昔見た 賑やかな行列

I remember it like it was yesterday, the time when I saw that lively parade.

ブラスバンドに鼓笛隊 それはそれは華やかなパレード

First the brass band, and then the drums and fifes, what a glorious parade we have here tonight.

白い鳥が雲に混じって 花火が弾けて振り向いた

The white doves mixed with the falling snow. I turn towards the sound of fireworks behind.

沢山の人が笑ってた 僕もつられてきっと笑ってた

Many people were laughing all around. I’m sure that I laughed right along with them.

暗い海に 君と二人 そんな昔話をしてた

So reminisced the two of us, here in this deep, dark ocean.

物憂気に星を見ていると こんなおとぎ話を教えてくれたんだ

Gazing at the stars with weary eyes, we listened to the recital of an old fairy tale.

笑って 笑って

Let’s all laugh. Let’s all laugh.


The Milky Way’s the stars’ funeral procession.

宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード

A space parade. A space parade.


A very powerful star must have met their end.

父が僕の手を強く引く いつもは無愛想な癖して

My father pulls me along by the hand. He’s always been a bit of a brute.

あんまり子供みたいだから 僕もはしゃいでる振りをしたんだ

And because I was such a stupid kid, I just carried on swinging my arms with a smile.

ボロボロのサーカステントは あちこちに穴が空いていて

The circus tent was all but in shambles. Everywhere you looked you found another hole.

暗くなると光が漏れた まるで満天の星空みたい

When the lights dimmed, the light outside would sneak in. The ceiling looked like the starry sky.

暗い海に 君と二人 言葉もなくただ座ってた

So sat the two of us without any words, here in the deep, dark ocean.

波の音がリズムになった 僕らが見送る葬送行進曲

The sound of the waves created the rhythm. We were the audience to its funeral march.

笑って 笑って

Let’s all laugh. Let’s all laugh.


The Milky Way’s the stars’ funeral procession.

宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード

A space parade. A space parade.


A very beautiful star must have met their end.

沢山の人が集まった 静かな黒ずくめの行列

Many people gathered all around; a quiet parade, black from head to toe.

ブラスバンドは来ないけれど 花火ももう上がらないけど

There wasn’t a brass band to be seen, and no fireworks to fill the sky.

灯りを掲げた行列は 夜空の星の映し鏡

But the parade marched with so many lights, like a mirror of the starry sky above.

沢山の人が泣いていた 僕もつられてきっと泣いていた

Many people were crying all around. I’m sure that I cried right along with them.

笑って 笑って

Let’s all laugh. Let’s all laugh.


The Milky Way’s the stars’ funeral procession.

宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード

A space parade. A space parade.


A parade without an end in sight.

笑って 笑って

Let’s all laugh. Let’s all laugh.


The Milky Way’s the stars’ funeral procession.

宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード

A space parade. A space parade.


A very important star must have met their end.

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