Translation of the song 月が綺麗 artist Amazarashi



English translation

The Moon is so Beautiful

僕が言葉を話す 君が言葉で答える

I speak words, you answer with words,

僕らの距離を埋めたのは きっと言葉だった

Surely words are what bridge the spaces between us.

地面に寝転んで星を 数えながら思ったこと

As I lay on the ground and counted the stars, I thought

これから話す言葉は ただそれだけの話

And the words I'm about to speak tell just that tale:

宇宙の埃として 右往左往ばっかの僕らは

All we do is move about in confusion, just specks in the universe,


Bound to the earth,

きっと本能なんだ この重力に抗いたいのは

So it must be instinct that makes us want to fight against gravity.

涙が地面に落ちるのは それなりの重さがあるから

Each tear that falls to the ground has its own weight

人生において苦楽は 惑星における衛星のよう

So the joys and sorrows of living are not unlike a planet and its moon.

喜びだけを掴みたくて 近づき過ぎて墜落して

Try to reach only for happiness and you'll come too close and crash,

台無しだって泣いたんだ ところで今夜は月が綺麗

And then cry that it's all come to ruin. And by the way, the moon is so beautiful tonight.

僕は時間を言葉で測る 千文字過去は捨てて行く

I measure time in words. I throw away the past in a thousand letters.

一万文字疎遠の彼とは 飲みにでも行かなきゃ足らないから

I had to take a friend out drinking who I'd been estranged from for ten thousand letters

お陰で千鳥足の帰路 北も南も分からなくなって

And because of that I lost my way as I tottered home drunk,

もう諦めて寝転んだ歩道 空なら迷わず行けるのに

I gave up and lay down on the road. I never would have lost my way if I was up in the sky.

プライドを守る為に 人を否定なんかするなよ

Don't disavow people for the sake of pride.


Mend a ripped seam right away.

継ぎ接ぎだらけでみすぼらしい でも信念は大概そんなもんだ

A garment that's patched up all over looks shabby but that's just how faith is.

飛べないからこそ見た景色 些細な綺麗が僕ららしい

It's just like us to see trivial beauty in the scenery around us precisely because we can't fly.

人生において苦楽は 惑星における衛星のよう

The joys and sorrows of living are not unlike a planet and its moon

悲しみだけ遠ざけたくて 離れ過ぎたら放り出され

If we try to avoid sadness, we'll stray too far and be pushed away

真っ暗だって泣いたんだ ところで今夜は月が綺麗

And then cry because it's pitch black. And by the way, the moon is so beautiful tonight.


If I wasted thousands of words on that planet


It would be our lives that would become headstrong

気が狂うほど積んでは崩し 高くなるほどに足場は揺らぎ

I could pile them up until I went mad, the higher it grew, the less stable the foothold would be.

重力に抵抗せよ 抵抗せよ 抵抗せよ

Resist gravity, resist, resist!


Not because you want to see beyond,

逆らってるだけ 逆らってるだけ

Just for the sake of going against it.

喪失と欠落の空白 埋める為に選んだ何か

There must be something I can choose to fill the loss and absence of the vacuum.

人生において苦楽は 惑星における衛星のよう

The joys and sorrows of living are not unlike a planet and its moon

重力に縛られた僕が あの星へ行く為の言葉

All these words to get me to that star, even though I am bound down by gravity

国道に寝転んで ところで今夜は月が綺麗

And lying down on the highway. And by the way, the moon is so beautiful tonight.

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