Translation of the song 渋谷の果てに地平線 artist Amazarashi
The Horizon on the Edge of Shibuya
渺茫たる二十五時 風の止む路地
A boundless one in the morning. Still air sitting in an alleyway.
気色ばむ都市の喧騒 白々しい顔で歩く僕
The bustling of a city newly enraged. I walk with my face transparent.
この途方もなさに 立ち眩み
I feel something stronger than I ever have. Vertigo.
思わず身を預けた うらぶれたセンチメンタル
Without thinking, I gave up my body to shabby sentimentality.
その純真の成れの果てを 侮蔑のストロークで
A sincerity that’s no longer sincere, fallen to the scornful stroke,
ドブの臭いがする川に投げ捨て 大きく広がった波紋に浮かぶ
And tossed into a river that smells of the sewer. Floating on the outward spreading ripples.
顔 顔 顔
Faces. Faces. Faces.
胸の張り裂けそうな僕に代わって どこか遠くで犬が泣いた
Just as my chest felt as though it would burst open, a dog cried for me in my place.
望郷に咽ぶ僕に代わって 都市の空に鳥が飛んだ
And before my homesickness overtook me, the birds of the city took to the sky.
渋谷の果てに地平線 渡り鳥が飛んでいる
At the horizon on the edge of Shibuya, birds soar so high as they migrate.
Please do not cry for my old hometown.