Translation of the song 積み木 artist Amazarashi



English translation

Building Blocks

息の仕方思い出したよ あなたは今も

I remembered how to breathe. Even now, are you

優しい顔で 笑っていますか 笑っていますか

laughing with your kind face? Are you laughing?

時が過ぎて 遠くへ来たな

Time passes, we've come a long way.

振り返るばかりじゃ いられないけど

But we can't just keep looking back.

光が射し込んだ この部屋の片隅で

Light shone into this corner of the room.

分かり合えたこと 幾つも無いんだけど

Though there weren't many times we understood each other.

それでもそれらを 高く重ねようともがく

Even so, we struggle to pile those up high.

僕等 積み木で遊ぶ子供みたいに

Us, like children playing with building blocks.

何があっても負けないように 最後に僕等

No matter what happens, so that we won't lose. In the end, if we

笑っていられたら それでいいんだよ それでいいんだよ

can stay laughing, that'll be fine. That'll be fine.

少し 上手く行かなかっただけ

It just went a little badly.

僕等はそれに ただ泣いただけ

We could only cry at that.

光が射し込んだ この街の片隅で

Light shone into the corner of this town.

確かに掴んだもの 幾つも無いんだけど

Though there weren't many things we certainly grasped.

それでもそれらを 高く重ねようともがく

Even so, we struggle to pile those up high.

僕等 積み木で遊ぶ子供みたいに

Us, like children playing with building blocks.

あなたが居なくなった日も 叶わぬ夢を見ていた

Even on the day you left, I had a dream that wouldn't be granted.

悲しい事などあるのでしょうか あるのでしょうか

I wonder if there is anything making you sad. I wonder if there is.

さようなら さようなら くだらない感傷を捨てて

Goodbye, goodbye. I throw out my worthless sentiments.

しっかり歩けるのか わからないんだけど

Though I don't know if I can walk steadily.

それでも全てを 上手く歌いたいともがく

Even so, I struggle to sing everything well.

僕等 積み木で遊ぶ子供みたいに

Us, like children playing with building blocks.

僕等 積み木で遊ぶ子供みたいに

Us, like children playing with building blocks.

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